Sam and Truth

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"Can we see her?" Lou asked suddenly. She nodded and we ran to her room. Louis banged open the door and we saw her awake with a glass of water and a pill bottle on the bedside table. Oh, right, the headaches. She immediatly looked to see who it was and then I saw something I hadn't seen what felt like forever.

I saw her smile.

Louis P.O.V 

Ugh, why did Harry have to say that he loved her? SHE'S MINE! Seriously, I had her first, why is he saying this now. Just after a bomb went off in Liam's room and she didn't come down fast enough, whcih left her almost bleeding to death. The ambulance got here just in, we have used the ambulance a lot lately...and Sam is now in a operation part of the hospital. This is Harry's fault. If he didn't go with Sam to the kitchen then none of this would've happened. Liam being unconscious, the bomb thing, the fight I just had with Harry, it's all his fault. But why Sam? What has she ever done? Well, nothing that I know of. I just sat there, crying, praying, that she was going to be OK. I could feel Harry looking at me until I heard someone talk. It was the hospital person that had to leave just a sec ago!

I tuned out after she said the she'll be out in the next 48 hours. My face brightened up and I couldn't stop smiling. After she stopped talking, I asked if we could go see her. She nodded and we sprinted to Sam's room. I banged open the door and she looked at us immediately. Then I saw that one thing that made smile and fall in love with in the first place.

I saw her smile.

"Hey guys, how long have you been here?" Sam asked while giving Harry a hug. Why did he have to go first? I'm the boyfriend!!

"Uh, according to Liam, over 4 hours" Harry replied calmly with a smile. Yeah yeah, we're all happy to see Sam, but I'm the happiest! 

"Serio-" Sam tried but got cut off by me. Hehe, Harry had to look away. I planted my lips on top of hers and we moved in sync. Now I remember how much I missed these, but she pulled away. I saw her face. It was pale and she had dark circles under her eyes, swollen eyes, her hair was messy and losing colour, her skin had lost its colour and last but not least, she was covered in scars and bruises, just like when I officially met her. She looked...depressed, like she'd just seen Bloody Mary in real life (A/N for those who don't know what or who Blood Mary is, I'll tell you later). Why do I have to earn trust back, it should be Zayn. Meanwhile, he's in Sam's house with Jess, speaking of which, we should visit soon, but back to now. She looked down at herself like she was going to kill herself or something, it was just that one glance...But, she still decided to speak, to break the silence.

"OK, no more waiting for me, you know I'll be out in the next 2 days, just in time for Lou's birthday and Christmas, go visit Jess , record a song, just do something, OK? It's not fair on you to have to be here forever, OK?" She ordered. I chuckled. Even when she was in pain, she was still the same, hehe, that rhymes, pain and same, but yeah, I'm not leaving.

"But why? I wanna be here when you get out" I whined. I could see in her face she was serious, and I haven't really seen that before. It's scary...

"No Lou, that's an order. Same goes for you to Styles. Go, please? I'm gonna sleep" she decided. Hehe, she looked funny when she was bossy. Her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were big. Harry's face dropped and he went for the door. Without a word, he exited.

"I'll make sure he's OK, now, you sleep and see you soon, K? One more thing?" I asked quickly. I had to do this.

"What?" She asked. Oh the irony...

"I love you, forever and ever and ever until the world ends" I said and I meant it. She brushed her lips against mine, which made me have to kiss her. What? It's unavoidable! Plus, I can't help it, it's force of habit now.

"I love you too, forever and ever and ever until the world ends" She replied, her arms around me yet  mocking me. I rolled my eyes and she laughed. I haven't heard that in what feels like forever. I was leaving until I turned around one more time and saw her asleep. I kissed her cheek and left. 

--------------------------------------- 2 days later-----------------------------------------------------

"OK, you may see her... now" the nurse said, just as she was coming out of the door. The boys and Jess ran to her, knocking her bottle of pills onto the ground and almost knocking her over. Jess hugged her first. WHY CAN'T I EVER GO FIRST??

"Heyheyhey, I see your feeling heaps better" she said. She did look heaps better. The scars and bruises were gone, the dark circles were gone and her hair and skin were going back to their original colour, SAM WAS BACK! She was smiling and laughing and just looked happy. I feel happy for her. Jess finally let go and Zayn came along. They just stared, then Sam finally hugged him.

"Hey Zayn, you all good?" Sam said. Zayn spread a smile across his face and hugged her back. YAY! FRIENDSHIP!

"Yeah, I'm good, you?" He replied. She nodded. Well, the only thing was she had a bandage around her waist, other than that, she's algood. Yep, they're friends now. Next was Niall. For the first time, they hugged. Then he left, Way to ruin the moment Niall. Liam's turn. He hugged her and she replied with a kiss on the cheek. Cheeky girl. He turned away to hang around with the rest of the group. Harry was next. Why am I last? He kissed her on the cheek and she hugged him. Ha, explains who she likes more. Cheeky boy. Finally, my turn! I got a kiss on the lips and everyone went 'AWWW'. I pulled back to see her blush. Too cute. She picked up her bottle of pills with a wince and I quickly pulled her back up. We walked hand in hand to the car. We all couldn't fit in so Liam and Harry were in the front, Niall and Zayn were in the window seats with Jess sitting on Zayn's lap and I sat in the middle where Sam sat on my lap. We drove away back to our house. We all emptied out of the car.

"OK, what should we do?" Sam asked. 

"HORROR MOVIE!" Harry shouted. It sounded like a good idea, so we all nodded. Considering it was Harry's turn, he decided to pick Paranormal Activity 2. I think I heard Niall whimper. Liam put it into the DVD player and we all started watching it. Niall was in a chair, Zayn and Jess were on one couch, Liam and Harry were on another couch, so that left me and Sam on the floor. It started and everything looked like a normal house, then scary stuff started happening. Niall was whimpering, Harry was holding onto Liam for dear life, Jess had her head buried in Zayn's chest and I was cuddling tightly with Sam, and she was just as scared as Harry. When it finally ended, Harry was almost bawling his eyes out, Niall had left half-way through, Zayn was calming Jess down because she was going to have nightmares blah blah, Liam is trying to comfort Harry and Sam's head was in my chest. She got scared during the movie, to be honest ,so did I, but not as bad as the rest.

"Is it over?" Sam asked, still scared.

"Yes babe, it is" I replied and she lifted her head and pecked me on the lips. She got up and motioned me to follow her. I cautiously got up and followed her up the stairs and into her bedroom.

"Happy birthday babe" She said, handing me a weird-shaped thing.

"You didn't have to, but thanks" I said, kissing her cheek. She blushed. Hehe, I like to know the little things I do make her look too cute.

I started to open it. Then what I got, I was just completely shocked...

Hehe, CLIFFIE! Can't help it sorry :-( BUT! LWWY!


The Girl From Down The Road (One Direction Fanfic/Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora