Chapter 51: Super Saiyan 4 Fusion

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! The final battle has begun between the Z-Fighters and Omega Shenron. However, it's obvious from the start that the Z-Fighters are struggling with the immense power of Omega Shenron.  Our heroes almost don't make it until Bulma arrives with a miracle. Her solution is in the form of a machine that can generate blutz waves and turn the group into Golden Oozaurus and then Super Saiyan 4. Every Saiyan with a tail has successfully transformed into Super Saiyan 4 where they rematch Omega Shenron to another daring and deadly battle!

After everyone has turned into a Super Saiyan 4, they are ready to fight Omega Shenron once more. Goku asks everyone, "Well then, shall we?" Vegeta replies in a poetic tone, "Kakarot, if we attack now, we'll die." Everyone is shocked by what Vegeta is saying while Ranch asks, "Hold on, you're saying this was all for nothing. I can't imagine how ridiculous I must look." Trunks blushes as Ranch says that while he thinks to himself, Damn it! She's so hot in that form! Raditz asks Vegeta, "Are you for real?" Goku replies, "Yeah, we didn't just upgrade just to lose." Vegeta replies, "Search your feelings, you know it as well as I, it is true." Raditz replies, "Come on Vegeta, sure we weren't able to beat him together at Super Saiyan 4 but we have a whole army of them." Vegeta replies, "Unfortunately, strength in numbers will make very little difference in this battle." Goku replies, "Well, it's not like we haven't done something like this before but if I have to die again then I'm ready." Vegeta replies, "No. There's no need when there's Fusion." Goku and Raditz ask, "Did you say Fusion?" Vegeta replies, "Yes but I would normally never suggest a thing like that unless it was our only option. Seeing Gotenks out there made me realize that Fusion is our best option to beat this guy." Goku replies, "Gosh Vegeta, I didn't think you would ever join bodies with one of us. I mean, this is kind of a big deal for you." Vegeta replies, "Then let's try not to make a big deal out of it and let's do this already." Goku asks, "The important question is who will you fuse with, Vegeta?" Everyone looks around to see who the best candidate will be. Vegeta then points at Raditz much to his confusion as he asks, "Hold on, me?" Vegeta replies, "Yes you." Confused, Raditz asks, "How come?" Vegeta replies, "Raditz, as much as I hate to say it, but you're definitely the strongest amongst us coming only second to me. Besides, you're more used to the power of Super Saiyan 4 and they're not so it would be the wisest decision to fuse with you." Raditz replies, "That's something I never would have expected to come out of your mouth but if it's the only way to save Earth then so be it."

Meanwhile, the ladies and everyone else are trying to hear what the men are saying. Chi-Chi asks, "Is it just me or did I just hear them say Fusion or something?" Bulma replies, "Nope, I heard them too. I think they're gonna go through with it." Launch replies, "It might be our only hope." Goten replies, "I wonder who's gonna fuse though?" Chi-Chi replies, "Well, I'm not sure about you guys but just look at how handsome Goku is! He's back to his normal adult size and looks hotter than usual!" Bulma replies, "I hate to rain on your parade but Vegeta is clearly hotter." Launch in her blonde form replies, "You two are crazy, Raditz is clearly the hottest." Chi-Chi replies, "He is not!" Launch replies, "Yes he is!" Bulma replies, "Vegeta is hotter than them combined!" The ladies continue arguing on which of the guys looks the best until Master Roshi, Yamcha, and Hercule show up and tells them, "Don't fight, ladies. Remember, you still have some nice three studs here!" However, they all get slapped in the face to everyone's confusion. While this was happening, Vegeta and Raditz prepare to do the Fusion Dance. Vegeta then tells Raditz, "Alright, we need to make this quick." Raditz nods his head and Goku tells them, "And we'll distract this guy as much as possible. Let's do this, you guys." Everyone flies over to Omega Shenron who asks, "Are you ready to die?" He then sees Vegeta and Raditz on the ground and asks, "What are those two doing, huh?" Goku replies, "They're just taking a breather after round one." Omega Shenron asks, "Is that so? Then how come that Namekian child isn't using his healing powers to restore them to full strength?" Goku replies, "You see, using that ability can take its toll on the body when used in succession without any breaks in between." Omega Shenron replies, "I suppose that makes sense and-" Omega Shenron then notices that Vegeta and Raditz are doing a dance. He asks, "What are they doing? Are they dancing?" Goku replies anxiously, "No, they're just stretching, that's all." Omega Shenron replies as he pushes Goku to the side, "I want to see for myself." Omega Shenron then flies his way to Vegeta and Raditz but Goku flies in front of him and tells Omega Shenron, "Whoa there, your fight is with us, remember?" Omega Shenron can see Goku sweating as he thinks to himself, Come on you two, hurry up already. I don't know how long I can stall this guy without it getting violent. Omega Shenron asks, "There's something fishy going on here, isn't there?" Goku replies in a shaky tone, "What? No way, man! What could possibly be fishy about some monkeys fighting a Dragon?" Omega Shenron replies, "Sweaty palms, shaky voice, weird vibe going around. Yeah, you guys are plotting something and I won't let you succeed!"

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