Chapter 12: Stranded

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! Our heroes have managed to escape the evil clutches of the Luud cult. However, interesting discoveries were made on Planet Luud. Not only did they find their Dragon Ball but also discovered the existence of a scientist similar to that of the late Dr. Gero. Other than that, our heroes defeated Luud and freed everyone including Pan. Now, our heroes must catch up on a lot of Dragon Ball hunting and make sure that they can gather all of them before Earth meets with a terrible fate. The hunt continues today's episode!

After their escape from Planet Luud, our heroes went back to the ship so they continue their hunt for the Blackstar Dragon Balls. While inside, Pan and Ranch were cooking dinner for everyone. As a matter of fact, Ranch is teaching Pan how to cook. She tells her, "So you see, Pan, you just want to move the pan if you want to cook every side. Try some." Pan tries some of the food and comments, "This is good but I think that it needs a little bit more salt and pepper." Ranch replies, "Yeah, I think it's missing that too." Giru suddenly grabs a piece but Pan hits him in the hand and tells him, "Hey, no one touches the food until we're done." Ranch replies, "Besides, Giru, I thought you only ate metal and tech stuff." Giru ignores them both and eats the piece. After that, he tells both Ranch and Pan, "Nutritional balance greatly inadequate. Excessive salt content. Excessive fat content. Inadequate pepper content..." Pan grabs Giru and tells him, "Hey, mind your own business! We don't need a piece of scrap like you telling us how to cook. Just stick to eating metal or whatever you robots eat." Giru replies, "Giru! Giru wants to make Pan and Ranch's cooking delicious." Pan asks, "What are you trying to say, huh? Are you saying that our cooking is disgusting?" Giru simply replies, "Giru! Giru!" Pan replies, "I'm going to take that as a yes! Get ready to put yourself back together!" Pan is about to hit Giru until she's stopped by Ranch who tells her, "Don't, Pan, it's fine, he's right. I've never been a good cook. I may have inherited a lot from my mother but that, unfortunately, included her cooking skills so don't hit him. It's my fault, not his." Pan lets go and asks, "Are you sure? It tasted alright to me." Ranch replies, "Thanks but that doesn't compare to how your mother cooks. I only wish I wasn't so bad at cooking." Pan replies, "I'm sure you're good but you only need to find your right style, you know?" Ranch asks, "Huh? My right style?" Pan replies, "Yeah, everyone has one." Ranch asks, "Like what?" Pan replies, "Do things a little bit differently and don't follow everything word for word. Even Giru can help out." Ranch replies, "Alright, I guess." Giru replies, "Giru! Giru!"

Meanwhile, Goku and the others were talking about Dr. Myuu. Curious, Goku asks, "Do you wonder if this Dr. Myuu guy is strong?" Raditz replies, "I highly doubt it but if he's somewhat strong then he's probably only as strong as Dr. Gero." Goku replies, "Still, I kinda want to see what kind of guy is he." Trunks replies, "I'm not sure but the fact that he was able to create something as strong as Luud just shows where his mind is especially when he was also trying to get the Dragon Balls from us." Raditz replies, "I'm sure that's the last we'll hear from him." Trunks replies, "I'm not so sure. If we share a common goal then he's gonna do anything at his disposal to stop us from getting the Dragon Balls." Raditz replies, "Even if he does, we'll just destroy anything he throws in our way." Trunks replies, "Still, we should go to this with caution from here on out." While this was happening, Pan and Giru help Ranch make a better meal. Pan says, "Pass me a teaspoon of salt." Giru gives Pan a teaspoon of salt. Pan then says, "Give me a teaspoon of black pepper." Giru gives Pan a teaspoon of black pepper and she puts it on the food where Ranch then stirs it so the seasoning can penetrate through the meat. Ranch then gives it another try and, much to her surprise, she enjoyed it. Ranch says, "Wow, this is amazing! You have to try some, Pan and Giru!" Pan tries some and gushes over the flavor as she says, "No kidding! This is amazing! Way better than we did the last time." Giru tries some and exclaims, "Adequate salt! Adequate pepper! Adequate fat content! Giru! Giru!" Ranch replies, "Yeah, it has the right balance of ingredients and seasoning. The guys have to try this out! They're gonna love it!" Pan replies, "Yeah, good idea, Ranch." They fill up some bowls with the stew and prepares to serve it to the guys. However, when they were about to enter, the girls heard the guys saying something. Trunks tells Goku and Raditz, "From now on, things are going to become far more dangerous than they have been now that we know that this Dr. Myuu guy is after the Dragon Balls as well. The worst thing is that we don't know the true extent of his creations. Luud might be one of many powerful creations Dr. Myuu has at his disposal. I think that our best course of action is to return to Earth for now." Raditz asks, "Wait? What? Are you crazy? I personally don't believe that Dr. Myuu guy poses any significant threat. The most he's gonna do is slow us down. So why do you suggest we go back to Earth when we don't even have half of these stupid Dragon Balls?" Goku replies, "Yeah Trunks, I actually got to agree with him there. That plan sounds counterproductive if you ask me."

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