Chapter 5: Goku and Ranch vs Ledgic

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! After landing on Planet Imecka, our heroes found themselves in the middle of conflict. After their ship was stolen, Goku and the others set off to find it again. However, they caused some ruckus which captures the attention of Don Kia, the ruler of Planet Imecka. They managed to escape with the ship but Raditz is still missing and even Trunks went missing after having a heated argument with Ranch. Now, our remaining heroes set off to find their missing friends so they can get off Planet Imecka, once and for all!

The group is surrounded by police as Gale yells out, "Put your hands up in the air where we can see them!" The group complies and do as their told. From there, Sheela tells them, "You are under arrest for stealing property courtesy of Lord Kia." Gale adds on, "So you're coming with us. Officers, incarcerate them and don't hesitate to shoot if they try anything funny. Also, leave the girl be, Lord Kia has special plans for her." The officers slowly make their way to the group with cuffs in their hands. Pan whispers, "What are we gonna do?" Silently, Ranch responds, "I have a plan but I need you two to close your eyes as shut as you can." Pan and Goku close their eyes as the officers approach them. One of them tells Ranch, "You should be lucky that you're not headed to prison. Lord Kia is the most absolute gentle with the ladies." As the officer is about to put the cuffs on Ranch's wrists, she quickly places both her hands in front of her face and yells out, "Solar Flare!" Suddenly, bright light engulfs the entire area, blinding everyone whose eyes were wide open. Ranch quickly grabs Pan and Goku's arms and makes a run for it. Eventually, the light diminishes and Gale yells out, "Argh! How did she do that?" Sheela yells out, "Everyone, spread out! They couldn't have gone far!" The cops spread out as they try and search every corner for any signs of the group. However, they hide just on top of the buildings behind some signs. They then notice the cops moving to a different area. Goku comments, "Phew! Looks like they're moving away from here." Pan replies, "Yeah, that was close. I've had it with this planet, it's been nothing but a waste of time and Ranch's relationships have been damaged." Ranch replies, "Gee, thanks for reminding me, Captain Obvious." Pan replies, "At this rate, I think we should just steal those parts. These people are nothing but a bunch of criminals." Ranch replies, "Even if we steep that low, there's still Trunks and Papa missing and it's starting to worry me a lot." Goku replies, "It's alright, Ranch, if I know my brother right, then he's probably still blowing some steam. It took him a week for him to forgive me when I told him that I offered Elder Kai your mom." Ranch and Pan just look at him weirdly.

Suddenly, an Imeckian woman comes to the roof to tend to her clothes. However, she notices Goku and the others on top of the roof with her. Ranch tells her, "Hello, madam, we're not looking for trouble really. We're just looking for my husband and my son, that's all." However, the woman screams upon realizing that they're the wanted criminals. Her scream alerts the remaining nearby officers to her location. Ranch yells out, "Shit! They found us! Let's run!" Goku and Pan follow Ranch along as she jumps across roofs. The cops follow ensuite but quickly fall behind thanks to the nimble speed of the group. However, on the other side of the building is Gale with a row of officers who await the group's arrival. He tells his men, "If you see any of them, shoot! Wait, here they come right now!" The group comes up to the end of the building where the only way is down as there's a large gap between the two buildings. Gale says to himself, "Gotcha!" However, instead of going down, the group jumps from the building right into another much to the surprise of everyone. Gale yells out, "Damn it! These are no ordinary fugitives!" The group continues to run across roofs as Pan yells out, "I think we lost them!" Ranch replies, "Yep, our luck is starting to change. Forward!" Ranch and the group continue to run across until they come across a roof with weak tiling. They fall down into someone's home. Pan asks as she gets up and dusts herself off, "Great, what now? It's just one thing after another." Ranch replies, "This isn't good, we're in someone's home. We have to get out of here, quick!" Suddenly, someone enters the room which is an elderly couple. Shocked, the old man asks, "Who are you? What are you doing in our home?" Ranch replies, "We're sorry, we were making our way across town and your roof broke apart. We can give you money to fix it." The elderly woman asks, "Hold on, aren't you those wanted criminals on those posters?" Ranch replies, "Look, we're sorry. Here's some to hopefully cover that. We'll be headed our way." The group slowly and gently makes their way out of the couple's house until, suddenly, Goku's stomach growls. Goku comments, "Sorry about that, I haven't eaten anything in a while." Ranch replies, "None of us have." The old woman then asks, "Wait, before you leave, care for a quick snack?" Ranch replies, "We appreciate the offer but we'd only bring the cops to you." The old man replies, "It's the least we can do for someone who's brave enough to stand up against Don Kia. Besides, you all look mannered and sophisticated." Pan replies, "Why thank you, Sir!" The old woman replies, "So just sit down and I'll give you some of my famous stew." Everyone then yells out in excitement.

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