Chapter 22: New Planet Tuffle

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! After our heroes had arrived on Earth, Baby had taken over everything. However, some of them managed to stay out of Baby's control. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Raditz as his body was taken over by Baby. From there, he launched an attack on Capsule Corp. Baby was successful in taking down four Saiyans. This left Piccolo to take care of everyone and managed to evacuate everyone. Unfortunately, Baby has some other plans which involved firing a Revenge Death Ball at the group. Now, find out what happens to them!

The Revenge Death Ball has already taken the lives of both Goku and Gohan but quickly makes its way to Majin Buu, Piccolo, and 13. They fly as fast as they can but the attack catches up with them. Suddenly, Majin Buu turns Piccolo and 13 into chocolate and consumes them both. Buu then stands in front of the Revenge Death Ball and prepares a shield of hopes to endure it since he can't outrun it. Baby Raditz asks, "So this is it, huh? This is how the Saiyan race comes to an end." Baby Goten replies, "Well don't forget about Vegeta, he's still out there somewhere and I definitely want to get back at the bastard that punched me in the face." Baby Raditz replies, "All in due time my friend. For now, let us celebrate Earth's riddance of the Saiyans." Baby Goten replies, "Indeed we shall." The Revenge Death Ball hits Majin Buu as he has his shield up. However, it slowly tears through the shield as soon as it gets to the center of the attack. It keeps breaking until the shield is entirely destroyed in which Majin Buu is caught in the middle of the attack and vaporizes him entirely. That is it, Vegeta is the only Saiyan left alive at this point. Baby Raditz and Baby Goten laugh as they had witnessed the last of the Saiyans perish. Baby Raditz exclaims, "Today! Today is the start of a new era! One that is entirely Saiyan-free! Everyone can now rest easy knowing that the Saiyan threat has been eliminated. Now, there's only one more thing to do." Baby Goten replies, "Using the Dragon Balls to restore what once was." Baby Raditz replies, "Exactly my friend. However, before we can do that, we need to gather everyone's energy so we can reach our fullest potential, okay?" Baby Goten nods his head as he and Baby Raditz lift their arms into the air and begins to absorb everyone's energy. The energy of the infected humans gets transferred to the bodies of Baby Raditz and Baby Goten and they start undergoing a transformation. Their skin starts turning a dark color and their eyes morph into Baby's eyes. They both grow shoulder pads and, finally, they both grow a black suit. They look at themselves until they clench their fists and smile. Baby Raditz comments, "This is where the real work begins."

Meanwhile, back at the lookout, infected Dende tells infected Mr. Popo, "Lord Baby has done it! He has not only destroyed the remainder of the Saiyans but he's also become stronger. Way to go Baby!" An infected Mr. Popo replies, "Lord Baby is also about to restore his long lost home planet and its people." Infected Dende replies, "Indeed, get the Dragon Balls ready for Lord Baby." Mr. Popo nods his head and goes to gather the Dragon Balls and Blackstar Dragon Balls. While this was happening, Emperor Pilaf and his crew infiltrate the lookout once more in search of the Dragon Balls. They quietly sneak around as Mai asks, "Sir, are you sure it's a good idea to come back here again especially with this whole Baby thing going on?" Pilaf replies, "It's been nine months, Mai. Besides, I'm not afraid of him! We've been through worse. We did survive through Cell and Majin Buu, didn't we?" Mai replies, "Yeah but Goku is gonna get in our way, I just know it." Pilaf replies, "Well, I'm not repeating the same mistake as last time. Once we find the Dragon Balls, we immediately run for it." Mai replies, "I don't know but I just have a bad feeling about this." Pilaf replies, "Oh stop your whining! Everything is gonna work out this time!" The crew then makes it inside of the temple and enters the same room where they originally found the Blackstar Dragon Balls. Shu then tells Pilaf, "Sire, look, I found them!" Pilaf replies as he walks over to the Blackstar Dragon Balls, "Excellent! Now let's take them and go!" Mai replies, "Sire, you may want to see this." Pilaf asks, "What is it, Mai?" His jaws drop when he sees Earth's Dragon Balls just lying there on a pedestal. Pilaf stutters, "It's... It's..." Shu finishes Pilaf's sentence, "It's the regular Dragon Balls." Pilaf replies, "I knew that! Uh, anyway, I can't believe we found these ones too." Mai replies, "And correct me if I'm wrong but don't these now grant three wishes ever since that Dende guy became Guardian of Earth?" Pilaf replies, "I think you're right, Mai, and do you know what this means?" Shu asks, "We can split our wishes?" Pilaf replies, "No! It means we can use the Blackstar Dragon Balls to get us out of here and use the other three wishes to build a kingdom on a new planet and for fortune and fame for me. I think that's an excellent idea!" Mai asks, "Can you at least make us younger with one of the wishes?" Pilaf replies, "True so you know what? I'll use the Blackstar Dragon Balls to make us young again!" Shu replies, "Hooray!" Mai replies, "Don't make us too young like Goku or his brother, okay?" Pilaf blushes and asks, "You're never gonna let that go, huh? Whatever it won't matter once we get out of here!" The three of them start cheering for victory.

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