Chapter 10: The Whip Master and The Doll Collector

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! After the Parapara Brothers stole the Dragon Ball, our heroes managed to find them only for Pan to go out into space. She ended up on Planet Luud where she witnessed Cult of Luud. However, what caught her attention was the Blackstar Dragon Ball they had in possession. Pan tried to get it back but she ended up being turned into a doll. Our heroes did manage to take down the cult but that was only the tip of the iceberg. Now, our heroes must face another threat as Pan is taken away today!

After the defeat of Cardinal Mutchi-Mutchi and his pet Leon, his whip has taken the form of an alien-like creature known as Mutchi. Without hesitation, Mutchi lashes his whip-like arms in front of the group who barely managed to avoid them. Goku comments, "Impressive! Definitely an improvement over the last guy who handled you." Mutchi asks, "Impressive you say? You're about to find out just how terrifying my whips really are!" Raditz replies, "Your power may have shot-up but that does not make you our equal." Mutchi replies, "You better not underestimate me, little boy!" Mutchi lashes his whips again which makes the tiling on the floor levitate to the shock of everyone. Ranch asks, "What is this? How can he do that with just whipping the ground?" Mutchi asks, "Impressed? Well, you should be! I'm going to give you a good taste of these Devil's Whips which can direct all manner of objects and the terror of my control over them!" Muthci then lashes his whip which then causes the floor tilings to be fired at the group at a speed that can kill if struck. Goku and Trunks struggle to avoid these but Raditz and Ranch avoid the tilings with ease. Trunks asks, "How are you guys dodging these so calmly?" Raditz replies, "When you're married to someone like my wife then you'll acquire these kinds of techniques." Ranch adds on, "It's basically like avoiding bullets just big bullets." Mutchi replies, "I see you two aren't struggling at all. Well, I'll just have to crank it up a notch!" Mutchi then fires the tilings much faster than last time and now Goku and Trunks are almost struck while Raditz and Ranch continue to avoid the tilings with ease. Trunks yell out, "That's not making it any better for me or Goku!" Raditz replies, "Looks like you need to improve your evasive skills, boy! That goes to you too, Kakarot!" Goku replies, "That's not fair! Chi-Chi never uses a gun on me so I can't practice my evasive skills!" Trunks replies, "Aw to Hell with it! Goku, come with me!" Goku tags along and the two of them run together as they try to avoid the tilings. Trunks asks, "Do you have any ideas?" Goku replies, "Why do you ask me?" Trunks replies, "Because you know everything!" Goku replies, "Sorry to disappoint you but I don't!"

The two of them continue to run around the place trying to avoid the tilings while both Raditz and Ranch avoid the tilings with ease. Goku stops running and tells Trunks, "That's it! I've had it with running! I'm gonna do what I do best and that's fight!" Goku punches the tilings as they come closer to him and they all crumble to dust as they meet the tip of his fist. Trunks sees this and tells Goku, "You're right! We may not be able to dodge them as those two can but we can sure fight!" Trunks and Goku start punching the tilings that come their way. At first, they managed to punch through a lot of tilings but they're eventually overwhelmed by the amount being thrown out that they can't keep up no more. The tilings hit both Goku and Trunks in the stomachs as Ranch yells out, "Trunks! Goku!" Ranch tries to make her way to the rest but she's having a difficult time trying to avoid the tilings at the same time. She then tries to avoid them solely but this time she's overwhelmed and gets hit by one in the stomach which promptly takes her out. Raditz yells out, "Ranch, no!" He realizes that he is the only one left standing and tries to make the best of it. Mutchi laughs as he increases the speed of the tilings in order to take down Raditz as fast as he can. This is starting to work as Raditz starts to fall behind and almost gets hit by the tilings. However, he decides to prepare a Double Sunday attack. Mutchi then yells out, "Prepare to die!" Mutchi then fires everything he's got directly at Raditz who then fires the Double Sunday as he was about to be struck. This creates a large cloud of smoke which blocks Mutchi's vision of anyone. Mutchi then tells everyone, "You can run but you can't hide!" Mutchi then fires his tilings and lashes his whips everywhere in an effort to strike Raditz or anyone for that matter. However, little did Mutchi know, Raditz managed to grab everyone and hid them behind a wall where they can be safe from the tilings and the whips. Raditz then asks them, "Are the three of you alright?" Trunks replies, "I'll live." Ranch replies, "Thanks, Papa, and sorry for being careless back there." Goku replies, "I almost threw up my lunch just now." Raditz replies, "It's good that you're all fine but that bastard is getting the better of us." Ranch asks, "What are we gonna do?" Raditz replies, "I suggest we all fire at once so we can create another smoke cloud where we can then strike him without getting too harm." Trunks replies, "It sounds a bit risky but I'm in!" Ranch and Goku nod their heads as well as they decide to go along with Raditz's plan. Ranch then tells everyone, "Yeah, he's not getting away this!"

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