Chapter 49: The One-Star Dragon

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! Our heroes are slowly closing in on the Shadow Dragons. Raditz faced off against Eis Shenron who wasn't much of a challenge on his own but used dirty tactics to get the job done. However, this ultimately became his undoing as he betrayed Raditz's trust and he ended up killing Eis Shenron. This left only Nuova Shenron but he was shot and killed by Syn Shenron, the One-Star Shadow Dragon. Now, only one Shadow Dragon remains and our heroes are joining forces to save the universe once and for all today!

Without hesitation, everyone charges at Syn Shenron. However, as they're about to hit him, Syn charges up ki which blows everyone away. When he stops, the smoke covering the city fades away and everyone can see the city in complete ruins. Syn tells everyone, "Sorry about that, I guess I failed to restrain my power." Goku mutters to himself, "What power." Vegeta replies, "I bet he can't handle the power of Super Saiyan 4!" Vegeta charges at Syn only to get punched in the stomach. Syn then proceeds to punch the living hell out of Vegeta as everyone watches in terror. Raditz decides to help but Ranch stops him as she asks, "Papa, are you sure you're well enough to fight?" Raditz replies, "Don't worry Ranch, that medicine that the Dragon gave me is helping. I can see what I'm dealing with and I still have other four very sharp senses." Raditz charges at Syn only to be smacked away by his arm. Goku then attacks Syn by punching him multiple times in the back but this has no effect and Syn proceeds to flick his fingers which sends Goku flying off somewhere else. Gohan and Majuub charge at Syn and gets a hold of him. Syn tries everything to shake them off until he charges his ki which blasts both Gohan and Majuub away. This leaves only the ladies in charge but Syn doesn't care who he's fighting as he tells them, "The men are down but don't think that means that I won't harm women and children." Lazuli replies, "Bring it on, Freak!" Syn charges at both Ranch and Lazuli by grabbing them in a hugging position and then squeeze them both as hard as he can. Both of the ladies scream in agony as Syn continues to hug tighter. However, Syn felt a light sting on his back. When he turned around, Syn saw Giru with his built-in taser as he yells out, "Let go of friends! Giru! Giru!" Syn proceeds to blow Giru away using his breath and this is enough to send Giru flying away. Syn then focuses his attention on the ladies and asks, "Now, where we're we? That's right!" Syn continues to hug them harder until suddenly, Pan in Super Saiyan 2 kicks Syn in the back of his head, forcing to let go of the ladies. He then tells her, "You're gonna pay for that, little girl."

Meanwhile, Goku and Raditz lie inside an abandoned circus tent. Confused, Raditz asks, "Kakarot, what was that?" Goku replies, "I have no idea. He's so powerful that it's kinda hard to comprehend. He's in a league of his own." Syn suddenly replies, "Aw, I'm glad you feel that way." Goku and Raditz stand up to see Syn with Ranch, Lazuli, Gohan, Majuub, and Pan in his arms. Syn asks, "Do these belong to you?" He then drops them to fall on top of Goku and Raditz. Syn then tells them, "Aw, look how adorable you all look together. I'm glad I can eliminate you altogether." Syn prepares a finger blast and is about to fire until Vegeta knocks him from behind the head. Goku asks, "Vegeta?" Vegeta yells out, "Quick! Use Instant Transmission and get everyone out of here!" Goku quickly uses Instant Transmission and teleports him and the others to a panda-shaped house. Goku tells everyone, "You just stay there, I'm going back for Vegeta." Suddenly, Syn replies, "Don't even bother." He then throws Vegeta in front of Goku. Syn then asks, "What are you gonna do, little man?" Goku doesn't say anything and prepares a Kamehameha and fires it at Syn who just stands in the way. When Goku is done, smoke covers the area which makes Goku ask, "Did I get him?" However, the smoke clears off to reveal Syn still intact. Goku comments, "I should have figured." Goku then falls on his back and says, "Well, I did all I could." Syn asks, "Are you giving up already? That's fine with me." Goku asks, "Who said I was giving up?" Syn replies, "Even if you still have your fighting spirit intact, your body doesn't have the fuel to go on." Majuub yells out, "But I do!" Majuub then fires a Double Sundae while Syn just stands there and takes it. However, when he's hit, Syn feels a weird sensation around his body and asks, "What's going on? Why can't I move?" Majuub yells out, "This is what you get for being cocky, overestimating yourself, and underestimating your opponent!" Syn asks, "But what are you doing to my body?" Majuub replies, "This is just a technique my master is known for and I've also mastered it but put my own little twist on it. Let me ask you, what sweet delicacy did I just name?" Confused, Syn asks, "What?" Majuub asks, "What delicacy did I just name?" Raditz replies, "It's a sundae if you didn't know. That means that you're turning into ice cream." Shocked, Syn asks, "Wait, what?" Vegeta replies, "When the boy is done with you, we're all gonna take a scoop of you!" Syn replies, "No! This can't be happening! I, Syn Shenron, can't go out this way! It's too humiliating!" Majuub continues to put more power into the Double Sundae. He keeps this up Syn Shenron is turned into ice cream much to everyone's sweet delight.

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