Chapter 9: Lord Luud's Curse

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! After getting the Dragon Ball from the villagers being terrorized by the monster Zunama, it was eventually stolen by the Parapara Brothers. Our heroes were determined to find it and chased the Parapara Brothers until they were lured into a trap. The Parapara Brothers returned to their leader who demanded that they retrieve another Dragon Ball. They then did only to find our heroes battling space worms. They then cast their dance spell on our group but they broke out of it. Now, Pan has accidentally found herself drifting to another planet!

The Parapara Brother's ship takes off into space with Pan still in it. Inside, Pan and Giru are nailed to the ground as the ship keeps going faster and faster. Eventually, the ship slows down and Giru and Pan are now floating inside of the ship thanks to the gravity. The computer then yells out, "Atmospheric departure complete! I repeat, atmospheric departure complete! Activating gravity control device." Gravity is turned off and Pan falls flat on her face followed by poor Giru who lands on the girl's head. Pan holds her head out in pain with tears in her eyes as Giru gets up and exclaims, "Giru! Giru!" Pan wipes the tears off her face and asks Giru, "What happened? Why did we float into space for no reason? Whatever you did, send us back this instance! Oh, who am I kidding? I should have never have come aboard if I knew this is what I had in store for me. Still, now's not the time to be feeling remorseful. We need to cooperate to get us out of here, you got that?" Giru then yells out, "Danger! Danger! Pan! Danger! Danger!" Pan asks, "What in the world are you talking about? You and I are the only ones who can get us out of this mess so listen up closely, pal. We have to work together with your brains and my brawns. Anyway, what's the first thing you do if you're stuck in the middle of space? I don't know the first thing about any of this but I guess that's where you come in, Giru." Pan grabs Giru and places him near the operating machine and tells him, "Since you're a machine, this is practically like talking to your own kin, right? Now do something." Giru replies, "I don't know! I don't know!" Pan replies, "Just remember that if you can't get us out of here then we're both gonna be stuck in here and it'll only be a matter of time before we both lose energy, you hear?" Giru replies, "Giru! Giru!" Giru observes the operating machine and finds a button that he finds particularly interesting and tells Pan about it. Pan asks, "You already found it? Great! Now do something, Mr. Button." Pan presses the button only for the floor below her to open up and she falls right in. She yells out, "Hey! This is the garbage dump down here!"

Meanwhile, the others are worried sick about Pan except for Raditz who's more frustrated with the child than anything else. He yells out, "Damn that child! She thinks she can just up and leave us in the middle of our search, huh? When I get back home, I'm gonna spank her so badly that her parents won't recognize her!" Ranch replies, "Hey, don't jump to any conclusion yet, Papa. Look, Giru is nowhere to be seen either so more than likely he pressed a button or something and accidentally took off." Trunks replies, "Yeah, one of them could have triggered the autopilot or something. Hey, you three, where was that ship headed?" Bonpara replies, "I don't know." Raditz yells out, "You're lying! If there was anything that I was trained to do in particular is sniffing out a liar and, let me tell you, you are." Bonpara replies, "Alright, alright, para! How about we give you guys a little dance to patch things up, huh? Come on you guys, one my count! One! Two! Three! Four!" The three of them try to dance despite being tied up. However, Raditz slaps all three of them and yells out, "We're not playing around, you trio of clowns! If we didn't need you then you'd be dead already so it's best that you tell us before I get any more aggravated!" Bonpara replies, "Alright, alright, para! We'll tell you! Just don't hurt us!" Raditz replies, "Good, now hurry up!" Bonpara replies, "Alright, your second guess is right, para. That girl must have accidentally triggered the autopilot, para. And we were headed off to this planet called Luud." Ranch asks, "Luud?" Bonpara replies, "Yes Luud, para." Ranch replies, "Good, we just found ourselves our first lead! Thank you very much, Sir." Bonpara asks, "Are you gonna set us free, para?" Ranch replies, "Well, since you have no ship I guess we can't just leave you here." Raditz replies, "Let's just leave them here. I don't see why we have to bring these clowns along." Ranch replies, "Come on, Papa, they did just help us right about now." Raditz replies, "I still don't know about this. If we decide to bring them along then they could potentially cast their spell when we're not looking." Trunks replies, "So far they haven't after being tied up so maybe there's truly nothing to worry about." Ranch asks, "See? Even Trunks agrees. Besides, even if they go for the brute force approach, they're not gonna succeed either." Trunks replies, "Yeah, let's just bring them along since they have no ship to get out of here and we could probably use them to our advantage." Puzzled, Raditz replies, "I'm still not sure. Kakarot, what do you think we should do?" Goku replies, "I'm hungry." Raditz replies, "Interesting answer. I guess we can bring them along but I'm keeping a close eye on them." Trunks replies, "It's settled then, everyone! Let's head off to Planet Luud!"

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