Chapter 23: The Return of Uub and 17

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! After Goku and Gohan fell to the hands of Baby, the rest were left to fend for themselves while Goku and Gohan concentrated on training in the Supreme Land of the Kais in order to get strong enough to defeat Baby. However, our heroes are accompanied by the Pilaf Gang who had succeeded in stealing the Dragon Balls after Baby used the Blackstar Dragon Balls to wish for a new Planet Tuffle. Our heroes set off to this new planet but they are caught by Baby. Find out who rescues them today!

The group has been caught red-handed by Baby who tells them, "I can see that I missed quite a few people, huh? Well, not to worry, that can be fixed very easily." Ranch replies, "You're gonna pay for what you did to Gohan and Uncle Goku, you bastard!" Pan adds on with tears in her eyes, "Yeah, you've taken a lot from us! First our home and then our friends! How much longer until you're finally satisfied with your vengeance?" Baby replies, "As I said earlier, I only wanted that bastard Vegeta for what his father did to my people. However, I'm willing to keep the rest of you alive since you aren't as bad as the rest so that's why I'm offering spots at my side." Pan replies, "You're crazy if you think we'll ever join your side especially after what you did to my father and my grandpa!" Pan then hugs Videl who tries her best to comfort her daughter. Baby Goten asks, "Out of curiosity, how did you manage to survive? We were certain that the Revenge Death Ball got you." Buu replies, "Weird mean man made Buu into pink cloud and then Buu turned back into Buu!" Baby Raditz replies, "It still stands, you have two options. Join me or die! Which one will you choose?" Pan replies, "We'd rather die than join you!" Hercule replies, "Speak for yourself! I don't want to die!" Videl replies, "Listen to yourself, Dad! Would you really want to be Baby's slave? Especially after what he did to... Especially after what he did to Gohan?" Videl breaks down crying but Launch and Chi-Chi try to comfort her. Pilaf replies, "Me on the other hand, I don't want to die! I'm not with these guys! They forced me to steal the Dragon Balls despite the fact that I didn't want to." Bulma replies, "Hey, that's a damn lie and you know it!" Pilaf replies, "Please Lord Baby, you have to believe me!" Baby replies, "You know what? I have a proposition, to those who want to live, come to me and to those who oppose me, you die! Choose now and choose wisely." Everyone's left with a choice to join Baby or not. Pilaf immediately runs to Baby's side and Hercule wants to too but he doesn't because of his daughter. Everyone else stays behind as Mai holds Trunks in comfort.

Baby then tells everyone, "Okay, so far I have one willing volunteer. Is there anyone else who wants to join me? This is your last chance. No? Well, that just makes it a lot easier for me." Baby then charges a Revenge Death Ball. Pan, Ranch, Trunks, Piccolo, and 13 get ready to fight. However, the Revenge Death Ball keeps getting bigger and bigger until it's almost the size of the ship. Baby then yells out as he's about to fire, "Say hello to the rest of your filthy kind in Hell!" Baby is about to fire until, suddenly, he and Baby Goten are punched in the face by two individuals. This immediately stops the attack as Baby asks, "Who was that?" Someone replies, "You may want to be careful with that thing, you could have almost hurt someone." This individual then reveals himself to be Android 17 or Lapis as he goes by now. Someone else then tells Baby, "I'm sorry about that Master Raditz but you're not quite yourself." The other individual is revealed to be none other than Uub. Baby asks, "Who are you?" Lapis replies, "We can say the same thing about you." Baby replies, "Well, it would appear that I missed implanting parasites on more people than I originally thought." Pan asks, "Who are those guys?" Trunks replies, "Hey Pan, remember that one guy Goku faced a long time ago in the World Martial Arts Tournament?" Pan replies, "Yeah, I remember. It's when I fought someone when I was little and I remember that fight being the most exciting out of all of them. Everything after that was boring." Trunks replies, "Well, that's him but I forgot his name." Piccolo replies, "It's Uub, the reincarnation of Kid Buu." Majin Buu turns to Piccolo in curiosity. Pan asks, "And what about that other guy?" Ranch replies, "Oh, he's Ms. Lazuli's brotther. I'm not gonna lie, he looks cuter than the last time we met." This comment gets Trunk's attention and he looks with a jealous face. Piccolo asks, "How did you two make it out of that?" Lapis replies, "I was working on feeding and caring for the animals back at the zoo until I noticed something off about them. I immediately inspected their food and water supply. When I checked the water under a microscope, I noticed a creature with a face on it and realized that the water has been contaminated. I immediately took all safety measures to make sure I wasn't infected. I then set off to meet with my sister until everyone was acting weird. Everything was getting pretty bad until I met with Uub here." Uub replies, "Yeah, Lapis is quite a strong opponent. Anyway, when strange things started happening on Earth, I took my village and hid them in the mountains where I trained them. We've been like that for the past two months until I felt Master Goku's ki yesterday. However, it just disappeared. What happened to him?"

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