Chapter 20: Infection

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball GT! After Baby showed himself to the heroes of Earth, the hunt was on. Baby managed to track down Vegeta and attacked him but was interrupted by Piccolo and Gohan. Piccolo tried to defuse Baby but Vegeta kept provoking him into attacking. Vegeta almost got the advantage but Baby made a quick escape and was off to plan his next scheme. Back in space, our heroes have finally done it, they have managed to collect all of the Blackstar Dragon Balls just before a year has passed. Our heroes return to Earth, today!

After collecting all Blackstar Dragon Balls, our heroes finally get to go back home. They all look outside the window as Goku exclaim, "Look, everyone, it's Earth!" Pan replies, "We did it! We're finally going back home!" Ranch replies, "Indeed we are, right Papa?" However, Raditz crosses his arms in frustration. Pan asks, "Is he still mad over ditching the celebration?" Ranch replies, "I imagine so. It's best that we leave him as he is." Pan replies, "Yeah but I just can't wait to tell everyone about our crazy adventures! I wonder how Bulla and Marron will react to all of this?" Ranch replies, "I see you're anxious to see your friends again." Pan replies, "You bet I am! You have no idea how much I missed everyone. While I do regret coming, I enjoyed this journey and kinda hope to go on one again." Ranch replies, "Well, I'm done with space travel for a while. Say, want me to do as I promised?" Pan asks, "Which is?" Ranch replies, "Training you to become a Super Saiyan." Ecstatically, Pan replies, "Yeah! Then I'll be able to kick some real ass!" Ranch replies, "Good, I hope you look forward to it." Trunks yells out, "Everyone, buckle up! We're about to enter Earth's atmosphere!" Everyone buckles up as Goku tells Trunks, "Hey, mind landing on Dende's lookout first?" Trunks replies, "Sure, they're probably the ones most anxious to know if we got them all or not." And just like that, the group has entered Earth's atmosphere and made their way to the lookout. They land on the lookout where they see Mr. Popo, Dende, and Piccolo. Goku gets off the ship and asks, "Yo! What's up, everyone!" Piccolo replies, "It's good to see you again but there's something going on down there." Goku asks, "What is it?" Piccolo replies, "Some parasite-like creature has made its way to Earth and took over Goten's body." Shocked, Goku asks, "Really? Then what happened next?" Piccolo replies, "Not just that but he had also infected everyone using water he had contaminated." Ranch replies, "Please don't tell us it's who we think it is." Trunks replies, "Damn it! Of course! No wonder we haven't seen him up to this point. He's been busy harassing our friends on Earth." Pan asks, "Wait, are you guys saying that Baby is here on Earth right now?" Trunks nods his head.

Piccolo asks, "So you know who Baby is, right?" Raditz replies, "Yeah, we encountered the little freak made by this scientist called Dr. Myuu who heavily resembles our good old friend, Dr. Gero. I should have known that little freak went here." Trunks asks, "Where's everyone else?" Piccolo replies, "They're down there but they've barricaded themselves inside of Capsule Corp." Goku replies, "So Baby's back and wants to settle the score, huh? Count me in! We already got all the Blackstar Dragon Balls so we don't have that to worry." Dende replies, "Good, give those to me and we'll store them somewhere they can't be found." Pan asks, "Aren't you guys gonna wish to go back to normal, huh?" Goku replies, "Yeah I guess we can use Earth's Dragon Balls." Piccolo replies, "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to refrain you from doing that. Each day the Dragon Balls keep leaking negative energy and we still haven't found a way to neutralize the problem. Until then, I'm gonna have to ask you to be patient until something comes up. However, Baby is more of a concern than anything else. Come on, we're going to Capsule Corp." Trunks replies, "Yeah let's take the ship while we're at it." Piccolo replies, "Wise choice. Baby won't be able to detect our ki." Everyone then boards the ship and proceeds to make their way to Capsule Corp. Suddenly, Baby Goten exits out of the temple and asks, "Are they gone?" An infected Dende replies, "Why yes Master Baby." Baby asks, "Did they give you the Dragon Balls?" Dende replies, "Of course they did, Master Baby. We have  two sets." Baby replies, "Excellent one set is to bring back Planet Tuffle after it was destroyed by Frieza and I'll use the other set to revive my fallen kin. Well done, Dende." Dende replies, "It is an honor." While this was happening, a bunch of angry people gathers around Hercule's house with sticks. Hercule's house is fortified with barb wire everywhere and sentry guns ready to fire as soon as anyone gets close. Majin Buu stands on the balcony as he observes everything. Suddenly, ne noticed the ship flying across the sky and exclaims, "They're here! Buu's friends return from space!" An invisible Hercule asks, "Are you sure that's them?" Buu replies, "Yeah! Buu friend's ship looks like an octopus!" It turns out that Hercule is inside of Buu's body where he's neatly tucked away in a pod. Hercule comments, "It's about time Goku, Raditz, and the others have returned. It's been like what? Two months already since Earth has been like this. And this whole time I haven't heard from sweet treasure Videl. I hope she's alright wherever she is. Still, I'm glad you were able to keep me safe in here." Buu replies, "No problem!" Hercule replies, "Okay, that ship belongs to the Capsule Corporation so I think it's best we head there right now, okay Buu?" Buu replies, "Sure, Buu take you there right now!" Buu flies off.

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