Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Todoroki's POV

I grin as we speed down the road, not having hit the highway yet. I feel so... alive, yet empty. How is that?

I look over at Bakugou for a second, then slow down. I'll get a ticket if I continue to go this quickly.

He looks over at me and starts laughing with so much... joy.

I stare at him for a second, then turn my attention to the road once again, and I start laughing. I truly only feel this joy with Izuku and Dabi...

"Let me play one more song for you. It's called 'Falling Down'."

I grab my phone and turn on the song, and, as if I'm in a fucking movie, rain starts falling down. I smile, looking at Bakugou. God... my feelings keep growing and growing.

I look away again. God... why is this so hard and complicated?

What if Izuku doesn't actually like Bakugou like the others said... what if he's just trying to please me...?

What would I be willing to give up if that was so? Who would I be willing to give up? I've been with Izuku for years now, and I've only truly started liking Bakugou for a few months... god...


"Uh... Todoroki, the windows are still down."


I quickly close them, and he chuckles at me, which causes me to blush.

"What's on your mind?" He asks, turning down the music.

I sigh. "It's... nothing."

"Is it Deku?"

I clench my jaw and tighten hold on the steering weal. "Yeah... I guess you could say that. I just... really don't want to think about it right now. Sorry..."

"No! I'm sorry for pushing you."

I smile at him. "You aren't. I would tell you if you were."

He blushes a little, which catches me off by surprise, which makes me bite my lip. "Yeah, whatever, dummy. I just didn't want to be pushy. It's not fun being on the receiving end of that."

I look back at the road. That's right. He just got out of a bad relationship. He doesn't need to get into another one that we don't even know could last.

I sigh lightly. "It isn't. My whole life I've had my parents be pushy and harsh. It's not fun." I smile and hand him my phone. "Here. Play something for me. My password's 061502."

He types it in. "Isn't that Deku's birthday?"

I smile. "Yeah. It is."

He chuckles. "I remember his first birthday party he ever had. We were five, and he demanded to have a super hero party and for everyone to dress up in costume. He was such a cute kid, honestly. We both were, in my opinion."

I laugh. "That sounds like him. He really was a cute kid, and from what I know you were too. I've seen some pictures of you and him together at the beach or something."

He lightly chuckles. "We went to the beach together when we were six years old. Our families took the trip together, so we split the cost and all. That was back when Deku and I were inseparable. You would never see us apart. We even slept at each other's houses a lot. We were and still are only a few blocks away from each other." I look over at him and see that he's smiling, but it seems so lost and sad. He's hurting. "I miss back then. I miss him."

This takes me by surprise, yet again. Seems like he keeps doing that to me today. "Then why did you start bullying him in the first place? I heard it was really bad when you guys were kids. Izu still has never gone into it deeply."

He chuckles humorlessly and puts his head in his hands. "I was horrible to him. I was disgusting. I started doing it not to long after that beach trip too. For me, it's probably best he hasn't told you. I probably wouldn't be standing here today. I'm surprised his mom let me live. She's the sweetest woman ever, but she's definitely a mama bear."

I look away. "Then what did you do?"

He sits up and shakes his head. "Honestly, I feel like Deku should tell you. He was the one put through it. He should be the one to tell you if and when he wants to."

I look at him, stunned. He goes back to my phone and starts to look for a song, but then... I make a really stupid decision.

The thought hasn't even fully gone through my head before I'm pulling  over quickly. He starts to play a song, but then looks at me quizzically once he realizes what I'm doing.

I stare at him, and he stares at me with some fear mixed with concern for me. I don't blame him as to why he would be scared. We're far from our town, it's raining, and I just pulled us over onto the side of the road.

To him, I have no good resining to do such a thing. I probably seem crazy right now! I seem crazy to myself.

I'm breathing quickly and looking at him with questioning eyes.

Fuck. Feelings!

I groan, and he looks at me concerned. "Todoroki, are you okay?"

I put my finger up and look down with my eyes closed, shushing him. He's turned around in his seat to be facing me, but I'm still sitting in the right direction.

I shouldn't be thinking of doing this. It's so dumb. Besides, the moment's already passed. It would be so stupid to do it now.

Awkward silence fills the air, and I hate the suffocation of it. I gulp and calm down my breathing and racing heart.

I look back at him, and he's looking at me with those same emotions as before, but fear seems to be most relevant.


I didn't want to scare him. I don't want to scare him at all, and I've fucked that up... God! I'm such a fuck up. I never do anything right!

I fully sit up and unbuckle and turn to him.

"I'm sorry."

He sucks in. "For what? You haven't done anything."

I breathe out and lean closer to him. "For this."

I kiss him, and I would be damned to say I don't love it as much as I do. His lips are so soft, and they feel so right against mine. I kiss him, but he doesn't back at first, so I start to pull away... but then he does kiss back. And I really would kill myself if I pulled away now.

Izuku's POV

I step out the car and feel the light rain drops fall onto my skin.

Ah... the sky must be crying with me.


Hi, it's Loveliness! I have never in my LIFE done a POV change, but I thought I might as well this one time. I probably won't ever do it again unless to be dramatic like this lol.

Soooooooooo... What do you think about Baku getting deep for a sec there?

And most importantly, what do you think of the kiss? How will everyone involved think about it?

Thank you so much for reading! Please remember to vote, comment, and follow me! Bye!

Loveliness out!

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