Chapter 40

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I love you

"I'm here for you as a friend too. Anything you need, just come talk to me" She smiled. I thought for a moment, looking down and then bacI'm here for you as a friend too. Anything you need, just come talk to me" She smiled. I thought for a moment, looking down and then back up.

"Actually...there is something I'd like to talk to you about" I softly said. Chi-Chi took a step back into her house and motioned for me to come in.

"Let's go have some tea and talk"

I walked into her small cozy home and she shut the door behind me. She walked past me and I followed her to her kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen table and she began brewing some tea.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" She asked as she sat down, waiting for the water to heat up.

"The dragon many times can one person use them?" I asked her.

"Once a year anyone who collects them gets two wishes from them. Why?" She asked me. The kettle whistled and she stood up, grabbing it from the stove. She poured the water into two mugs and set them on the table.

"And...they can grant you any wish?" I asked her.

"Within Shenron's abilities and powers, sure. Shenron is the dragon who appears from the balls" She said as she blew on her tea.

"So...I could wish for someone to come back from the dead...and to have their memory restored?" I asked her as I stared at my mug.

" as long as they died on Earth" She said as she set her mug down.

"....he did" I said in almost a whisper. Waiting for the boys to wake up in the hospital gave me a lot to think about...

"Y/ talking about Broly?" Chi-Chi asked me. I slowly looked up to her and nodded.

"I don't think that's a good idea" She softly said. I wasn't sure if it was either, that's why I wanted to talk to her about it.

"What makes you say that?" I asked her as I finally sipped the tea she made for me.

"Because of Marcus" She said as she sighed.

"Wouldn't Marcus be the main reason to bring him back?" I asked her.

"Maybe before...but not now. Y/n, think about it like this, Marcus knows about Broly because of what you've told him. He's gone his whole life without actually knowing his father, right?" She asked me.

"Yeah" I sipped my tea some more.

"And then Frieza brought him back and that" Chi-Chi asked. She knows exactly how but she wants me to say it.

"Marcus killed Broly" I softly said as I looked down.

"Marcus killed his real father to save his new one. It doesn't matter if Broly was a mindless shell of a man and Marcus was in his rage mode, that will always be with you think he'd be able to mentally cope with Broly being back around? Knowing he killed him?" Chi-Chi asked me.

"What about Broly? He doesn't get to see his son grow up. He doesn't get to be a father" I scoffed.

"When Goku died the first time, he was able to watch over us from other world. I'm sure Broly has been doing exactly that. I'm sure he's been watching over you and Marcus since the day he died" Chi-Chi softly said as she placed her hand on the table and slowly grabbed mine.

"Y/n, this isn't my decision to make, but I personally wouldn't do would be too confusing and painful for the boy" Chi-Chi said as she gently squeezed my hand and let go. I nodded and sighed as I grabbed the mug of tea. I sipped it while staring at the table, thinking over her words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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