Chapter 39

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I love you

I opened my eyes and stared up at the white ceiling. I reached up and touched my face

"Fucking Vegeta" I sighed as I felt the light swelling. I sat up and looked around the small room I was in. It was a hospital room

"Oh my god! Marcus!" Everything came to me at once. The image of Marcus crashing on the hospital bed flashed before my eyes. I jumped out of the bed and ran into the hall. I looked around the area but didn't see anyone

"Goku!" I yelled. I ran down the hall to the elevator. I pressed the button as rapidly as I could until it finally arrived. I jumped on and practically smashed the button for the 5th floor. The elevator went up and the doors opened. I sprinted down the hall towards Marcus' room. I threw the door open and was met with an empty room. My heart shattered as I stared at his empty bed

"N-No" I backed away slowly and bumped into someone. I turned around and saw Goku smiling at me

"My baby" I whispered. Goku looked from my teary eyes to the room behind me and his own eyes went wide. He hugged me tightly and then pulled away after kissing my forehead

"He's in another room. He's awake" Goku smiled again. My eyes went wide and I covered my mouth in disbelief. I thought he had died when he began crashing

"Come on" Goku took my hand and lead me down the hall. We turned the corner and then walked to the last door. He opened it and I heard the sound of cartoons and a child's laughter. I threw the curtain back and saw Marcus sitting up in bed, laughing at the tv hanging on the wall

"Mommy!" He locked eyes with me and smiled widely at me. I ran to his bedside and grabbed him up in a big hug. He patted my back and wiggled in my arms

"Mommy...can't...breathe" He said. I let him go and he giggled as I kissed his forehead a few times

"I'm so happy you're okay" I whispered as I sat in bed with him. Bulma came in and smiled at the two of us

"Hey, Hey, Hey" She said as she handed Marcus a cup of jello. He thanked her and began eating it as he watched tv. Bulma motioned for Goku and I to follow her out of the room. I kissed Marcus one last time and walked into the hall with the other two

"Marcus is looking amazing. He can actually go home today. Just no rough housing" She glared at Goku and the Saiyan giggled

"What happened earlier?" I asked her. She took my hand and sighed

"He woke up and all the events from the fight flooded his mind. He wasn't ready to wake up yet and the stress of those memories was just too much. His body went into shock and he had to be brought back to life with the paddles" She softly said. I began to tear up and she hugged me

"But, he's completely fine now. He healed very fast once he was back!" She chuckled as she let me go.

"Thank you so much for taking care of Goku and Marcus" I said as Goku put his arm around me

"No problem! It was the least I could do...after not listening to you and all" She awkwardly chuckled and looked down

"I still don't blame you for what happened, ya know" I leaned into her with my shoulder and nudged her a little. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile

"Thank you for that...I have some other people to check up on..I'll come by in a few hours with the discharge papers" She said before walking away. Goku and I walked back into Marcus' room and sat down on each side of his bed. We squashed him in the middle of us as we all watched tv together. Marcus didn't ask about the fight again or about Broly and I wasn't going to bring it up. He seemed completely okay. Mentally and physically. Bulma let him go home like she said she would and Gohan was waiting for us with a huge smile.

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