Chapter 22

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Leave my family alone!

I flew into the woods and to the spot Broly and I agreed to meet at. But when I landed he wasn't there. I looked around and got worried

"Did someone catch them?" I asked myself

I was feeling a little on edge because I couldn't find Paragus.

"What if he came here?? When did he run? He was still there when I gathered his men up but was he there when I sent the small blasts? If he wasn't then he could have had time to make it here. But how would he know where they went?? Unless he has a tracker on Broly. But-" I heard a twig snap behind me

I quickly spun around and my fists up

Broly and Marcus came walking towards me. Broly chuckled

"You're cute when you talk to yourself" he said

I gasped and ran towards them. I threw my arms around the two of them and held on tightly. Marcus chuckled and patted my back. Broly placed his hand on the back of my head and kissed the top of it

I pulled away and looked around

"Where's my son" I asked

"Safe in a cave" Marcus smiled at me

"Where's my dad?" Broly asked

"I don't know. I killed all of his men and destroyed the ship but...he ran when I wasn't looking" I said as we walked to the cave

Broly nodded "He can't take us both on. We will find him and kill him" I wrapped my arm around his and put my head on it as we walked

"What about the townspeople? Where are they?" I asked Marcus

"Underground. We have a huge underground bunker to protect us if anything were to attack. Peaceful people need a place to hide" he chuckled

"Two people still died.." I softly said

"Yes...Ethan and that poor nurse, Gerald" Marcus said

"They killed a nurse?" Broly asked

Marcus and I looked to one another. I looked back to Broly and nodded "Yes, they did"

He shook his head and looked down "How evil do you have to be in order to kill an innocent person?" He asked

I felt Marcus try to connect our minds. I allowed him in

"We can't tell him" He said

"I know. If we do he..could lose it...he doesn't need to know he killed the nurse. It stays with us. We'll talk to the witnesses and convince them to keep it quiet" I said

Marcus disconnected and placed his hands behind his back. We got to the cave and I could hear a faint crying

"My baby!" I sprinted inside and ran towards the crying

Marcus and Broly quickly followed. I stumbled in the darkness but kept going. I found a hole in the wall. The crying was coming from there

"You stuck him in a hole??" I screamed at the men

"W-Well it was the only safe spot" Broly said

I growled and pulled my son out of the hole. He had a large spider on his stomach. I flicked it off and Broly stomped on it

I stood up and looked to them "I can't believe you guys. YOU should know better!" I poked Marcus in the chest

"To be fair Y/n, Broly is right. This hole was the only out of sight spot to hide him" Marcus said

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