Chapter 27

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Am I becoming Paragus?

*A few months later*

I looked down to the world below us. It was a small orange and grey planet. I decide to try this one out. When we landed, Marcus and I were greeted by the occupants of the planet. They weren't friendly

They were a warrior race who carried huge spears and shields. Marcus and I were immediately separated and taken away from each other

"Please!! He's my son!! I NEED to be with him!!" I screamed out as they threw me in a cage

They cage was made out of sticks and stones. After the men left I punched one of the bars out and the whole thing fell apart. I snuck out of the room and made my way towards the building they took Marcus to

"HEY!" One of them yelled when he saw me. I turned around and flew towards him. I tackled him and punched him in the face, knocking him out. I stood up and looked around

"No witnesses" I said to myself

I snuck into the building and looked around "Which way..." I asked myself

I suddenly heard crying and screaming coming from the farthest door on the left. I flew as fast as I could and busted the door down. My son was surrounded by large men and they were laughing

I growled and blasted them away from him. They hit the walls and groaned. I gabbed Marcus and flew from the building. When we got outside I frantically looked for my pod

I was suddenly hit on the back of the head. I fell forward and groaned. Marcus began crying again. I held him close and took more hits to the back.

I looked down to my son. He was grunting and fussing in my arms

"A-Are you trying to change like your father..?" I asked him

He bawled up his fists and gritted his teeth

More men surrounded me. They all started hitting me with large sticks and rocks. I couldn't get up fast enough.

Against my better judgement...I let my son go. He began floating up in the air. They sticks and rocks did no damage to him

The men backed up in shock. Guess a flying baby is crazy to them. Marcus' hair turned green and his eyes turned pure white

"Oh shit..." I said t myself

He began screaming. The buildings around us began shaking. I took off for a small nearby house. I could hide from the destruction. Even if this building fell on me I would still be safer here than out there

I ducked down as Marcus went on a rampage. He blasted the men and their buildings. I looked out the window and watched him grab two men up and throw them at a building. They smashed into it, blood went everywhere

"Holy shit.." I ducked back down and put my hands over my head. The building around me began shaking. The ceiling started falling off in pieces. I dodged them and ended up on the other side of the room. The wall behind me came tumbling down

I turned around and saw my pod

"Yes!" I cheered as I took off for it. I inspected every inch of it

"Unharmed" I smiled to myself

"P-PLEASE!!! NO!!" Someone screamed

I ran to the other side of the building and saw Marcus charging up a blast. He was aiming for a group of men. He let it go and killed them

"Marcus!" I yelled out

He turned to me and growled. He flew towards me and screamed

I closed my eyes and began humming Annabella's song. The screaming stopped and he returned to normal. I opened my eyes and ran towards him, catching him when he fell. I held my sleeping son in my arms and looked around at the damage he did

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