Chapter 37

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Marcus!! NO!!

*Your pov*

I watched as Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta screamed in pain. Vegeta and Goku pulled as hard as they could on the collar around Gohan's neck

"Stop them!" Frieza harshly yelled at Broly. My eyes went wide as Broly flew into the air. I looked to the group and back to Broly

"Goku!!" I screamed as I took off into the air. Goku looked back to me and saw Broly. He yelled at Vegeta to pull harder

"I'll stall him!! HURRY!!" I yelled out. I charged up a decent sized blast and threw it at Broly's head. He stopped flying and turned towards me. My heart stopped as he stared me down. I swallowed hard and threw another blast at him

He growled and darted towards me. I flew higher into the air and tried to outrun him

"Hurry uuuuuuppp!!!" I yelled as I dodged Broly's grabs. I looked back and saw how close he was to me. I decided to try the same plan I had back when I first got his collar off. I quickly scanned the land below us until I saw the ocean in the distance. I took off towards the large body of water

"Where are you going!?" Goku yelled out as they continued to pull the collar. Gohan was putting up much more of a fight than Marcus did.

"Don't worry! Pull that collar off!!" I yelled back

"BROLY!! GET THEM!! NOT HER!!!" Frieza screamed out. Broly stopped flying and turned back towards the group

I closed my eyes

Darkness. I looked around to try and figure out a new plan. We were in the middle of nowhere and Broly wasn't going to follow me to the water. I couldn't stop him alone but I needed to stall him.

"Fuck it"

I opened my eyes and darted for Broly. He was halfway to the others. I flew as fast as I could and reached out for him. I grabbed the end of his long black hair and gripped it as tight as I could. He let out a loud scream and turned around

I let go if his hair and did the first thing I could think of. I punched him in the face as hard as I could. It did absolutely nothing. Pulling his hair hurt him more. He gritted his teeth and growled at me

"Gooooku!!!" I yelled out

"Piccolo has a tighter grip now! He can't move!! It's coming off!!" He yelled back

Broly screamed and punched me in the face. I spun towards the ground and crashed into a few trees

"Y/n!" Goku screamed out as he and Vegeta snapped the collar off of Gohan

I groaned and touched the left side of my head. I pulled my hand to my face and saw the blood. My hand fell to my side and I looked around. My vision was blurry and I felt like I was spinning

"W-What the fuck...j-just happened...?" I asked myself. I definitely had a concussion and needed medical help

I saw a large figure land at my feet. I rubbed my eyes with my clean hand until my vision went back to normal

"Goku.." I whispered as I tried to sit up

"Don't move! He hit you pretty hard, huh?" He said as he gently picked me up bridal style

I looked around and suddenly remembered what happened. I looked up to the sky and watched Tien fly away with Gohan in his arms

"Where is he??" I asked Goku

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