Chapter 23

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E-Everything is...gone...

Darkness. In my unconscious state I managed to conjure up my mother like I normally do when I meditate 

"Mom...I-I don't know what to do" I threw my arms around her neck and cried 

She gently patted my back "I know...but you'll figure it always do" 

I pulled away and wiped my tears "Mom...what if the only way to stop Broly him" I whispered

My mother sighed "Then you kill him"

"I can't!" I shouted

"Y/n....think about it this way...If you can't stop Broly, and as of right now you can't, he will kill everyone. He'll kill Marcus, Gwen, Tamie, Brandon, Bethanie....Annabella...Griffin...Olivia...and many more" She softly said

"But I could save him! I did before! I-I just need time!" I said

"You don't have time" My mother's body started fading away

"What's happening?? Where are you going, mom! I'm not done talking!" I yelled out and tried to grab her hand. But it went right through it

"I know you can do it" My mothers voice faded out and I could hear Marcus

Darkness. I opened my eyes and quickly sat up. Marcus and Nurse Tamie were by my side. The town looked like something from an apocalypse movie

"W-What happened" I asked as I touched my head

Nurse Tamie grabbed my hand and began wrapping it up. Marcus looked around and sighed

"Broly did this..." He said

I looked at the once beautiful golden buildings. They were cracked, broken in half, and on fire. The once green forest was now burning away.

I stood up and stumbled a bit. Marcus put his arm around me and I put my arm over his shoulder

"Where is he? And why are you out of the shelter??" I asked him

"We began to worry about's been 3 days" He said

"T-three days?" I asked him

"Yes...Broly is no where to be found...Tamie and I decided to leave the shelter to find you" He said

I groaned and touched my head again. My face was throbbing and I was caked in dry blood. Marcus and Tamie walked my back to the shelter door. Tamie went down first and Marcus helped me down the ladder

When we got to the bottom I looked around the giant room. Thousands of people were here, scared for their lives. People started realizing I was there. They stopped talking to one another and all stared at me

Do you know how eerie it is? To have thousands of people staring at you, wondering why you haven't saved their world yet

As we walked, the crowd split into two and made a path for us. Marcus walked me to the infirmary and Tamie began grabbing what she needed to patch me up. I sat on the bed and watched as everyone slowly returned to their conversations and activities

I sighed and looked to my feet. I suddenly heard my son crying. I jolted up and followed the noise

"Y/n! Get back here so I can help you!" Tamie called out

I ignored her and made my way to a few beds in the corner. Griffin, Olivia, and Annabella were sitting on them. Olivia had my son in her arms. She looked up to me and her eyes went wide

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