Chapter 3

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               This is fucking crazy
I sat back in my chair and tried to process what I was just told

These people think I'm some warrior that can tame some beast that will eventually threaten them??

"Why do you think it's me?" I asked

"Marcus found you in the woods, correct?" Iverland asked

"He and about 4 other men" I said

"But Marcus was the first person you saw?" She asked

"I-I guess so yeah"

"And you killed all 4 of the Grondems, alone." Marcus said


"Only a true warrior can do that" he smiled

"Anyone who can fight would have been able to do it. It wasn't anything special" I said

"But YOU can read the scroll" Iverland said

"Not at first" I said

"Once you concentrated you could. No one other than me can read this scroll. Not even Marcus" she said

"Really?" I asked as I looked to Marcus

"Yes. My people grew up knowing the legend of the warrior woman but we could never read about it. Only Iverland. She is directly related to Elder Hathley, the one who predicted your arrival" he explained

I stood up and walked outside. I looked around at the beautiful scenery.

Elder Iverland walked out and stood next to me

"You don't believe me" she said

"It's a strange to think I, out of every being in the universe, am the one the scroll talks about"

Iverland touched my shoulder and smiled

"I feel it. It IS you. See that statue over there? The one you were so memorized by when you first arrived?" She pointed to the woman


"She's a warrior. I have these statues placed for a reason. When someone comes to me and they are unsure of their place in life I have them look at these statues. They feel drawn to one and that shows them who they are meant to be. You were drawn to her, the female warrior"

I eyed the statue and sighed "so where's the beast I'm supposed to tame?" I asked

"He isn't here yet" she walked back inside

"He? So you know what it is?"

"I know it's a he" she said

"So how do I tame it?" I asked


"So how do I tame him?"

"You'll know what to do when the situation presents itself" she said

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow

"Until then I think you should train with Marcus" she walked back inside

"Train? But aren't you guys peaceful people? Like no fighting?" I followed her

"Train the mind dear" she smiled at me

I shrugged and looked to Marcus "Okay sure"

We said our goodbyes to Iverland and walked back to his home

"We will start tomorrow. You had a long day. Killing the monsters AND finding out you're the legendary female warrior" he chuckled

"Where uh..where am I gonna stay?" I asked

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