Chapter 24

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The end of all things

The first group prepared to go. Marcus was at the top of the ladder. Followed by Bethanie. The rest of the group climbed up the ladder with their things and waited for the signal. Marcus unlatched the door and I flew out.

I looked down to him "I'll tell you when. Just keep connected" I said as I touched my head

He nodded and slowly closed the door. I flew off and looked for Broly. I heard screaming coming from Ethan's restaurant. I landed outside of it and yelled out 

"I'm here!" 

Broly came busting through the wall and charged at me. I flew into the air and took off for the forest

"MAR GO NOW!" I said though our mind connection

"Okay. I'll keep you posted on our location!" He replied

I flew through the trees and into a cave

"Whoa. Talk about memories. This is the cave where I killed those Grondems" I said to myself

"GGGAAAAHHHHHHH" I heard Broly from behind me. I crawled into the small hole and slid down. I landed in a large pile of animal bones. One of them had cut my leg

"Well that's fucking disgusting" I said as I touched the cut. The small hole turned into a large hole when Broly busted through it.

I took off deeper into the cave

"What the fuck are you doing!? He's gonna have you trapped!" I screamed at myself

I turned a corner and hit something large and soft. I fell to my back and looked up. It was a Grondem. I went wide eyed as it turned and growled at me

"I killed all of you years ago! What the fuck?!" I jumped up and looked at it

"Maybe they had a baby hidden or something..." I said as I dodged it

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Broly screamed from behind me. I flew over the Gondem and hid behind a large rock. Broly came face to face with the animals and growled

The Grondem snarled at Broly and charged him. Broly punched it back. The creature pounced on him and held him down

*Meanwhile. Third Person Pov*

As Y/n distracted Broly, Marcus and Bethanie ran through the forest with the first group. Bethanie took lead and they made it to a warehouse near Ethan's house. She pulled the large doors open and everyone hurried inside

"First group is here! Gonna get them loaded and go for the second one!" Marcus told Y/n with his mind

"Okay Mar! Good job!" She replied

Bethanie opened the first ship's doors and everyone piled in. She looked inside and eyed it

"We can fit about 200 more in this one!" she yelled out

Marcus nodded as he checked out the other ships

"It's gonna be tight but everyone should fit. Let's go back for the others" He said to Bethanie. She nodded and they ran out of the warehouse. Bethanie closed the doors behind them

The pair grabbed the second group and ran for it. They managed to get everyone there. They ran back and grabbed the third group, then the fourth, and  fifth. They had 34 more groups to take.

On their way to the warehouse with the sixth group they heard a loud scream come from the forest. Everyone stopped and looked to Marcus

"That wasn't sounded like...Paragus" He said

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