Chapter 31

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Fine...The truth is...

I slowly flew up to the hole and looked inside. Vegeta had been thrown through the entire building. I flew inside and looked around. The desks, chairs, papers and other office supplies were scattered around. The lights were hanging from the ceiling and flickering

"Where the fuck are you" I harshly whispered to myself

"Right here" I heard his voice from behind me. I turned around and he threw a punch at me. I ducked and charged him. I tackled him to the ground and straddled him, holding him down

"What the fuck do you think you're doing talking to my son like that!?" I shouted

"He's Broly's son!! He doesn't deserve to live!" Vegeta growled as he put his hands against my chest and blasted me away from him.

I hit the ceiling and fell to the floor. Tiles and light fixtures came crashing down on top of me. I pushed them off and stood up

"I wouldn't attack me if I were you" he said

"Why not" I asked him. I didn't really care about his answer but I needed to distract him

"Because if you hurt me, Kakarot and Bulma will hate you" He smirked at me

"I don't care" I harshly said. He lost his smile and growled at me. Vegeta charged up a blast and threw it at me. I closed my eyes

Darkness. I looked around and saw the large blast heading straight for me. Vegeta was standing with his back to the hole in the wall. There was a large desk next to me.

"I can grab it and throw It at Vegeta. He'll be distracted long enough for me to sneak up on him"

I closed my eyes

I opened my eyes and quickly grabbed the desk. I threw it towards Vegeta and jumped out of the way of his blast. Vegeta caught the wooden desk and smashed it to pieces

I was able to sneak around and get behind the Saiyan while he was busy smashing the desk. I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to choke him

He threw an elbow behind him and hit me in the stomach. The wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't breathe for a moment. I loosened my grip and he managed to slip out. Vegeta turned around and kicked me in the chest. I flew out of the hole in the building. I flipped backwards and hit another building, face first and upside down. I pushed myself away from the building and dusted myself off.

I flipped back around so I was in my normal position. I looked up to see Vegeta flying towards me. I took off into the air and flew away from him. I closed my eyes


I looked around and saw Vegeta closing in on me. I looked down and saw Goku and Gohan flying around. They couldn't find Marcus

I looked to my left and saw my son smashing a car. Vegeta could hold his own against me, but not Marcus

I opened my eyes and quickly flew to my left. I flew past Marcus and looked back to him. He noticed me and was about to take off towards me but Vegeta flew past him. He grabbed Vegeta's leg and pulled him back. Vegeta's eyes went wide and he started kicking away from Marcus

I flew towards them and grabbed his arms. I pulled him one way while Marcus pulled him the other. If we pulled hard enough we could tear him is half

Goku X Reader: A new lifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang