Chapter 29

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Who is his father?!

*The next morning*

I woke up and looked over. Goku was still sleeping on me. I heard the floorboard creaking from the hallway. I looked up and saw Marcus staring at me with the same cheesy smile he had last night

I put my finger on my lips and shushed him. He smiled and walked over to me. He sat next to me and turned on the tv. Cartoons were on

After the first couple episodes Goku began waking up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up

"Morning" He yawned

"Morning" I smiled at him

"Sorry I fell asleep on you" He said as he scratched his head

"It's fine" I giggled

I got up and left the boys in the living room. I went to the kitchen and began making breakfast for everyone. I made eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. I set the table and called the boys 

"Breakfast is done!" I said

They came running into the kitchen and plopped down at the table

"It looks good Y/n" Goku said as he stared at his plate

Marcus began stuffing his face with his breakfast. He and Goku finished all of their food within 5 minutes. 

"Can we go train?" Marcus asked me

"I'll train with you" Goku said

"Okay!" Marcus ran to his room to get dressed. Goku walked to his room. After a few minutes both of them came out to the kitchen. They had their matching Gis on

"How cute" I pinched Marcus' cheek. He pulled away and rubbed it. Marcus ran outside and Goku followed. But before he closed the front door he looked over to me

"We'll be back later. I can cook lunch if you want" He said

I smiled "I got it. Go have fun" I said

Goku smiled and closed the door behind him. I finished cleaning the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door.

I walked over and opened it. Vegeta was standing there with his arms crossed

"What?" I asked him

"You're a liar" he harshly said

"Excuse me?" I asked him

Vegeta pushed his way past me and walked in the house. He looked around and then growled at me

"You're a liar" he said again

I closed the door and crossed my arms. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him

"What have I lied about?" I asked him

"Your son. His father IS Broly!" He harshly said as he shoved a piece of paper in my face

I snatched it from him and read it

"DNA Results:

Y/n: 45%
Broly: 55% "

I looked at Vegeta. He was smirking at me. I tore the paper into tiny pieces and threw them at him

"How the fuck did you get my DNA AND my son's DNA!?" I asked him

He backed up a bit and lost his smirk. He cleared his throat

"I just plucked some hair when you guys weren't looking. I tested it against the DNA we had from Broly's blood that was found all over our clothes the day of the fight. Kakarot never killed him. He got away and had a child" Vegeta said

Goku X Reader: A new lifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin