Chapter 1

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       It happened again, didn't it?

I looked down to my 6 year old son, Marcus

He was asleep in my lap. I ran my fingers through his spiky black hair as I hummed a soft beautiful tune

I watched his beautiful green eyes flutter open. He looked around and realized we were in the pod

"M-mommy?" His voice cracked

"Shhhh it's okay. I'm here" I held him tightly

"It happened again, didn't it?" he began to tear up

"It's okay" I continued to hum as I looked out the pods window to the destroyed world below us.

"That's the 4th one this year.."

Marcus couldn't help what he was. I controlled him the best I could but it never seemed to be enough. His fits were happening more often and it was taking longer to calm him.

"Just like your father"

*7 years earlier*

I was in my pod, searching for a new home. The fuel sigh flashed on

"Fuck. Almost empty"

I looked out the window and saw a small blue planet nearby.

"This will have to do" I directed the pod towards the planet

When I landed I opened the door and found a beautiful sight. The trees were all at least 100 feet tall with beautiful orange leaves. The grass was almost neon green and the water in the lake was a gorgeous blue color

I was taking in the beautiful sight when I heard a twig snap behind me

I quickly turned and saw a small group of purple men staring at me. My eyes caught one of them. He was the only one who didn't seem scared.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yes" I eyed them. They didn't seem like the fighting type but you can never be sure

These men looked beautiful. They were a pale purple and had dark pink eyes. They wore golden robes and most had no hair. The few that had hair had bright blue hair

"I'm Marcus!" He said

"I'm Y/n"

"Well Y/n, you landed just in time for dinner! Come" he smiled at me

I looked to the rest of the men. They all had kind smiles on their faces

I shrugged and followed them to a city

"Wow" I gasped at the buildings. They looked like they were made from marble and gold.

"This way dear" Marcus said

We walked down the busy street. People were staring at us but I was so lost in the beauty of this world I didn't even care.

Marcus stopped in front of a small house and opened the door

He allowed the other men to enter first, then me

The house was small on the outside but absolutely huge inside. It had beautiful yellow wooden chairs and tables. It was decorated in beautiful gold statues and items

Another man brought out a cart of food and set the table

"Sit" Marcus said

I sat next to him and they began to eat. I eyed the food and then the men

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