Wizard lessons

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Must. Update. Early. Can't resist. The urge!

Waglington's POV:

I roamed the castle halls, glancing at each of the features that I passed, and smiling from the memories that flooded my mind upon seeing each and every one of them. I eventually made my way to my room, and opened the door with a slight gesture of a hand. I walked in, hearing it slam shut behind me; the hinges were a bit weird, but I decided that I wouldn't bother fixing it. I collapsed on the bed, sighing from how tired I felt. I had just finished three builds for the islanders back to back. I may be a wizard, but even I, can't escape the need for rest once in a while.

I grimaced as I turned over onto a tender spot on my side, where a skeleton shot me earlier today. I was using all my magic on the builds, so couldn't spare any to heal myself. I was slightly annoyed, and normally I wasn't the one to let my emotions get the better of me. Today however, was something else. Tucker and Sonja ordered a build for a huge mansion for them to live in.

I'm not usually negative when it comes to big builds, but they don't use much space at all. It's mostly for decoration and bragging rights on who has the biggest house at this point. Tom is not that picky when it comes to the size of his residences though, seeing as he doesn't want to put in a lot of time towards something if it's just going to get blown up, set on fire, or filled with cobwebs or water. Jordan's house has stayed the same since day one, or so I've heard; I haven't been here since the beginning, unlike the others. There was one instance when the modesteps went full fire on it, and obliterated it. I think there was an incident with lava? Not too sure about the backstory behind that one.

All four of them requested a colosseum. A fricking colosseum! It took months to build! I have at least five bruises from falling off of the walls! It wasn't at all pleasant. Jordan requested a boat. A boat. If Tom did it by himself, WITHOUT any weapons I might add, why couldn't he?! I guess I'm just a bit sick of building things for everyone else....even I have things I want to do for me sometimes....

At least we obtained quite a few diamonds. That's a plus. I felt like passing out, and felt myself slipping away, when I heard a small shuffling sound from my right, in my closet. I opened my eyes in annoyance, and sat up. I glared at the door, and willed it to open with my mind. The doors creaked open, revealing a small ball of glowing blue huddling within.

I sighed and hung my head.

"How much did you hear Tom?" I questioned the surprised wizard.

He stood up quickly and sulked over to my side.

"Uhh I don't know what you mean? I was just admiring your set of.......cloaks?" He lied trying to conceal the real reason he was there.

I shook my head.

"You and I both know that is a big load of bullshitery." I stated.

He had been practicing his mind reading magic, and I was often his favourite test subject, as he knew that there were many thoughts in my head at all times.

He laughed.

"All of it."

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"I heard all of it....." he said.

I stayed silent.

"You know, if you're sick and tired of building for em, why don't you just teach them how to build like us?" He suggested.

I thought about it.

You know, maybe he's right...

They could build the smaller things by themselves...

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