Walk the plank

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Jordan's POV:

I was taken aback by how pretty she was, and froze. She gazed down at us, and gasped.

"Argh! The dark one has sent assassins from the motherland!!! Skipper, Bluebeard! Throw em in the brig!" She shouted, her pirates accent thick.

"Dark one? Motherland?" Said Sonja confusedly.

Suddenly two more pirates appeared at her side, one had ginger hair and a beard, wearing a blue trench coat. The other wore a red coat, and a skull mask that looked almost real.

"Aye aye capn!" They replied.

They jumped down, drawing their swords, and Tom drew his.

"Wait!!! We don't want any trouble! Right Tom?" I yelled.

I looked at him, and he growled.

"Have at thee ya scallywag!" He shouted, thrusting his sword as it clashed with the ginger haired one.

I sighed. One day he would get us killed! The skull masked one started fighting tucker and Sonja at the same time, deflecting their blows effortlessly, and attacking viciously. He was obviously very skilled. I stepped back, as the captain jumped down and stared me in the eye.

"Ya dare come to ambush me and me crew?! Yee will pay dearly!" She yelled at me drawing her own sword.

"Please! We mean you no harm! We come in peace!" I protested, blocking her attacks.

We fought, our swords clashing, and the sound of metal clanging ringing in our ears. Pirates Vs  Islanders. Who would win? Hopefully the latter or we'll end up walking the plank. Tom looked like he was enjoying himself, but as he laughed he slipped and fell, while the pirate held him at sword point. Sonja and tucker were struggling against the skull pirate, and he wasn't breaking a sweat. This looked bad.

I thrust my sword at her in a last ditch effort, but didn't want to hurt her, so I pulled back at the last second. She pulled back to dodge, but lost balance, and tripped backwards, landing roughly in the grass. She braced herself by moving her arms in front of her face, but I didn't attack. She looked up at me with a confused look on her face.

"Don't make me wait matey! Just strike me already!" She cried.

"No" I said dropping my sword.

"I don't kill" I said.

"That's a fucking lie! You made about fifty poison potions and all of em landed on me! You killed me like twenty times!" Said Tom mockingly.

"TOM SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Tucker, Sonja and I yelled simultaneously.

I extended a hand to her, and she hesitantly took it. I started to pull her up, but I didn't notice the glint in her hand until it was too late.

She plunged the dagger into my back, and I cried out in pain. I fell to my knees and my vision went blurry. I coughed up blood as my hands fell in front of me, the only things holding me up. I heard my name being called out, then a hard hit to my head, and everything went dark...

The first thing I felt was the excruciating pain in my back, and the throbbing pain in my head. The feeling in my hands and feet came next. Then my arms and legs. My hearing returned, and I heard the desperate cries of who I could only assume were my friends, calling out for me to wake up. I desperately wanted to, and tried my hardest to open my eyes. I received a flutter of my eyelids on return, but thankfully Sonja realised.

"Jordan! Oh my god! Please wake up! Please!" She pleaded.

I used the last of my depleting strength to open my eyes, and I was greeted with my friends, tied at their wrists and ankles, crying, at my sides.

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