The devils right hand

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Sonja's POV:

I couldn't believe my ears, Tom was making a portal for Dianite to come to the overworld! I had to tell the others! I had to get out of there, that sly son of a bitch was gonna kill us all, and we helped him get the stuff to do it. I turned back around, and guess what? Just my luck, the most cliche thing happened. I stepped on a twig, and it made a loud snapping sound, fuck my life. I didn't look back, I just ran, through the forest of the abyss, which is what we decided to call the glow stone forest. I ran up the stairs, and towards Tucker's mountain. I had to get to him.

I neared his acacia stairs he made winding up his mountain, and as I stepped on the first stair, a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the ground. I looked at my attacker, and saw green. Shit, Tom. I backed away, crawling backwards. He looked at me, a devilish look on his face. He had a sword in his hands. I was terrified, he was going to kill me. I knew about his secret plans, and he was going to kill me. I couldn't speak, all that came out was a terrified croak. He came forward, sword in hand, and said one thing.

"Hail Dianite"

He grabbed me, and hit me hard with the handle of his sword, causing pain to explode in my head. I started to see white, and I felt my head hit something hard. I slipped into unconsciousness, and the last thing I saw, was Tom tying up my wrists and ankles, and dragging me away.....

Tucker's POV:

I was starting to get worried, Sonja should have been back by now. She didn't tell me where she was going, and it was getting dark. I called her communicator for the sixtieth time, and it went straight to voicemail. I sighed and called the one person I really didn't want to speak with. But Jordan didn't know where she was, so I had no other choice. I scrolled through the small list of contacts, and called Tom.

He answered quickly, and sounded really worried.

"Hey dude how's it going?....."

"Fine I guess, I wanted to know if you'd seen Sonja anywhere? She's missing and I'm really worried about her."

"Uh, well, umm..... I don't know where she is..... have you checked her house?"

"YES! That's the first place I checked! You ok? You sound worried about something."

"What?! Nooooo.....I'm fine dude! I don't sound worried, you do!" He said trying to cover up the fact that he was definitely worried.

"Tooooommmm? Did you do something to Sonja?!"

"Whaaaat?! Noooooo......"


"Maybe......" He said with caution.


"Yeah sounds good bro bye!" He said hastily.

That zombie was the most endangered thing in the universe right now. I grabbed my sword, and headed to his house, with murder on my mind, and death himself, as my conscience.....

Toms POV:

I was gonna die if I didn't get the hell away from my house. I probably shouldn't have messed with Tucker's Juliet. I looked to the corner of my house, where Sonja sat slumped against the wall, wrists and ankles bound. I grabbed her by the wrists, and loaded her onto my sled, I couldn't let her tell the others my plans.

Dianite had come to me in my mind again, and requested that I build a portal for him to get to the overworld. I had to steal the resources, as per his instructions, and I had them with me on my sled. I dragged it past my house, and through the desert, sweating my tits off. It was so hot, and I was wearing a suit....I'm an idiot.

I reached the place Dianite wanted me to build the portal, and sat down. I was exhausted, but I was far FAR away from tucker. I grabbed the resources from my sled, and started building the portal how Dianite told me to. It was finally finished, after I burned myself a few times from the magma blocks. Dianite came to me in my mind.

Thomas, you have done well! The portal is finished yes? Light it, and set me free! I will reward you immensely! Oh? It seems you have taken a prisoner on your way?

That's just Sonja, she saw me talking to you. She knows, I couldn't let the others find out. I said in my head.

That doesn't matter now, soon they will all know, but it will be too late, now light the portal!!

I walked to the portal, flint and steel in hand, and was about to light it, when I heard a soft voice from behind me.

"Tom.....don't do it.....he's messing with you...he'll destroy everything!" Said sonja from where I tied her to my sled.

"I'm sorry, I have to, for my lord."

I ignored Sonja's protests, and struck the flint and steel, which made a spark. It landed on the portal, and created an orange vortex inside. It swirled around, and as I leaned in to look at it, a red clawed hand came out fast, almost hitting me in the face. I jumped back, and watched, as lord Dianite came through the portal.

"It feels good to be back....."

Hey guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger! I'll upload in two days at the latest! If you guys wonder why I don't write big authors notes, it's because you guys probably have better things to do, than to read them. Anyways! Hope you enjoyed!

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