Toms journals Part FOUR

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Journal four:

It's happened too much now.....he's gained control too many times......hurt too many people......I need to keep him in place......the cage isn't done yet, so I need to hold him down whenever he gets control, which at the moment is once per day.....I've traded with some villagers living on a nearby island to the west, for some bedrock chains, not even a god can break through them. Apparently when you wear them they make you weak, so that even a slight hint of pain kills you. Well, time to wear them!

I tried them for the first time today, and put them on at night. I went to sleep, which is the time he mostly possesses me. I felt instantly weak when I chained my wrists together, and felt short of breath. I started to black out, I guess the chains were made for a god and not a mortal, but since I had Dianites powers in me, I could handle it. The pain I felt that night was unbearable, and I couldn't feel anything else, just pain. I think it eventually made me pass out, because when I woke up, I was in the middle of the ocean.

I was slowly sinking downwards, and I still wore the chains. He must have gained control and flew away, fighting through the pain of the chains, and leaving me to drown when I came to. The chains weighted me down, and pulled me to the bottom of the sea. I struggled for breath, and felt my consciousness slipping away. I felt something slippery touch my arm, and opened my eyes to see a dolphin staring back at me. It motioned for me to grab its dorsal fin, and when I did, it rocketed me up to the surface. I could finally breathe. I held on to the dolphin for dear life, and when we finally got back to my island, I removed the chains with the key, and thanked the dolphin. I recognised something in its eyes, then I realised what it was. The dolphin that saved me was related to the one I killed..........I don't think it knew......I carry that guilt with me now, and I'll carry it to my grave, if I ever get one....

I have to tie myself to a tree now, it's close to night....

Later ya sausages.......

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