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??? POV:





That's the one word that can describe this dark place...


Or maybe darkness...




That's a good one...

I like it...


That was the word to describe the dark ruins I found myself wandering... the remains of my home....

The once grand and elegant stone pillars that formed a wall around the centrepiece were now scattered across the ruins like pieces of a puzzle. The remains of the pyramid in the centre, could make a sandcastle...pieces of sandstone lay in a pile of rubble in the middle of a deep pit, that smelled of dust and death... the people that lived here... all of them..... gone.....

Who could've done this?.....

Someone as powerful as me perhaps?...

My blue glow made an unearthly sorrowful glow that cast upon the rocks and slabs of stone scattered across the ruins, like tombstones they stood silent, unmoving, as if the people no doubt crushed beneath them were dead long ago...

I had to know who did this...

I created a blue orb in my hand, and whispered to it a language passed down in generations, that few knew of. An image appeared in the orb, and I watched sorrowfully as my home got destroyed all over again. At the centre of the destruction, laughing like children, were four floating boys, that cast powers from their hands and body, destroying all they touched. They seemed happy to finally get to use their powers, as if they'd never used them before.

The first was wearing a grey cloak, and cast red magic from his hands. His face covered by a hood, I couldn't see the face behind the destruction.

The second looked like a fiery demon, and was covered in a flaming substance. He cast an orange magic from his hands.

The third was dressed in a blue flowing cloak, and had piercing blue eyes. He cast blue magic from his hands.

The fourth looked the most human out of them all, and wore a green shirt with metal armour in some places. His eyes were covered by a metal bird mask, with red lenses. His hair was a chocolate brown, but even he cast magic of all colours from his hands.

I saw someone approach the boys, and gasped as my own son got on his hands and knees and begged for them to stop. My dear son, Farian(pronounced Fair-ee-an), protecting his home with his own life. The fiery one laughed and threw a blazing fireball his way, and the blue cloaked one sent a boulder crashing down from above him. I looked away, tears in my eyes, but I still heard his screams, and the loud thud of the magic hitting him. I immediately dropped the orb, hearing it dissolve as it hit the floor. I cried, my tears hitting the stone floor of the temple within the pyramid. So much sorrow filled me, inside and out, and my body turned the deepest shade of blue. I felt empty inside... Like I had no more purpose in this world...


I can cease their destruction....


I can teach them to use their powers for good....

I couldn't save my home....

Or my own family.....

Maybe I can save the rest of the world....

And if I can't, well......

What kind of goddess does that make me?...

Hey guys! Not gonna talk about this chapter, I'll leave it up to you to work it out! I'll update on Thursday!!!!! Sorry the chapter was a bit short! Byeeeeee!

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