Nothing lasts forever

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Jordan's POV:

Tom stood towering over my tired and sore body, no weapons or armour. Still clutching my broken nose, I look up at him, confusion and anger spreading across my face. He walks up to me, and kicks me in the ribs, sending pain flooding through my body. I cry out in agony, as he repeatedly kicked me hard in the side. I start to crawl to the waters edge, hoping to outswim him. He effortlessly grabs my ankle and pulls me back.

I look ahead to see Wilson dive down into the water again, and come back up with an enchanted diamond sword. Is there nothing that dolphin doesn't have down there? He makes a huge leap, landing right beside Tom on the sand, and starts flopping around on the sand like a fish out of water, but purposefully. The fact that he had a very sharp sword in his mouth didn't make it any less dangerous either. I quickly roll to the right, into a palm tree to move out of his way, hearing the crunch of my fractured ribs, and groaning in pain.

Tom jumps backwards, but not before earning a few very deep cuts from the sword.

"Pathetic creature!" He spat.

That voice......wasn't toms was deeper......and more evil than normal.....

For the first time, I stare deep into his eyes, and instead of seeing the normal brown mischievous eyes staring back, I see blood red ones staring into my soul......


I stare at his wounds and realise that there is blood as black as night pouring out, not red blood. I know that isn't normal. He looks at Wilson in disgust and grabs the sword handle, throwing it into the depths of the ocean. He makes a small gesture with his hand, and Wilson starts to float in the air. He squeaks and squirms, as Tom squeezes his fist, telepathically choking him. I scream at him to stop, watching as fear explodes in the dolphins eyes. I ignore my pain, and crawl to Tom, clawing at his legs, and pulling his arms. He doesn't move, and is still as a statue.

I look at Wilson, and see his eyes starting to glaze over. I scream and cry out, tears rolling down my face.

"TOM STOP!!! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, scratching desperately at his ankles.

Wilson's pupils fade to white, and fear crosses his face. He looks at me, begging for help, but I can't do anything. I watch in absolute horror as all colour leaves his body, and his eyes roll back into his head. Tom holds him in the air for a bit longer, to make sure he was dead. I scream at him and cry until my eyes dry out. He looks at me with a pitiful look on his face, and releases his hold on Wilson. Still crying, I crawl to the body of the lifeless dolphin, and pull him close to me, hugging him into my chest soaked with my tears. I only knew him for a day, but he was the friend I needed when I had no one......

Tom gives me a minute, then gestures to me, holding me in the air, and turns me to face him. He closes his fist slowly, choking me and crushing my windpipe. I gasp for air, but can't find any. I look into his eyes, and see what gives me a little bit of hope. A small area of his red eyes were brown. Tom was still in there somewhere....

I muster up all the breath I could, and look him in the eyes.

"Let.....go of me......ya sausage...."

The phrase escapes my lips, which were currently blue from lack of oxygen, and almost immediately, the brown area expands, fully covering the red, and pushing it into a corner. Tom groans, and looks down. His head comes back up, and he gazed at the scene around him. First, at Wilson's lifeless body, second, at me gasping for air, and third, his hand controlling it. His eyes widen, and his left hand pulls the right one down, releasing his hold on me.

I drop to the sand below, a coughing, spluttering and gasping mess. Cool air fills my lungs, and I start to breathe again. Still holding down his hand, Tom gazes in horror at what he's done, and steps back in fear. Dianite takes advantage of that, and the red in his eyes grows again. He regains control, but I can tell he doesn't have much time. Tom looks at my broken and battered form, and rushes over to me, panic in his eyes. He picks me up bridal style, and places me in my boat, carefully trying not to hurt me anymore than what he already has. I wince as my side hits the boat, and Tom flinches. He walks back to Wilson, and picks him up, placing him in the boat beside me. He looks me in the eyes, and for the first time, he looks petrified and unsure.

"Sparklez.........I'm so sorry.......I couldn't....." he says shakily.

I go to reply, but nothing comes out. Tom realises he still has Dianites powers, and pushes the boat in the water, then, using all of his strength, teleports the boat back to the coast of our island......

Toms POV:

I can't believe it....I just killed someone.....and I almost killed my best friend in the process.....I....I had to run......I couldn't let them get hurt by me anymore......I had to go far away..... I look at my trembling hands, and use my power to fly away. As far away as possible..........

Hey guys! Sorry for the depressing chapter!(not really you should've known I would've done that) and RIP Wilson 2019. I'll update on Sunday! You know the drill! Bye!

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