Udderly sweet revenge

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Ey? See what I did there?😜

Sonja's POV:

The raven-haired man standing before me...

I didn't recognise him...

Normally he was cheerful and curious...

Today however, all the joy in his body left him like a breath of air.

He just kept staring at the tombstone...

I can tell he wants her to come back with every fibre in his being. But even his genius mind knows it can't be done. I can see the sorrow practically encasing him. Like a dark veil threatening to overthrow his mind at any time. His tears were the only sounds that could be heard. The dripping sound as they left his face and fell onto the stone below, echoed throughout the graveyard.

No one dared make a sound, afraid that we would disturb him. Surprisingly, skipper was taking it a lot better compared to Jordan. Tears still shed, sorrow still radiated, but at least he gave us small gestures showing he was still him inside. Like the slight upwards turn of a smile, or the simple brush of a hand.

Jordan however, didn't show any of that. I knew him. He was probably thinking of how he could've saved her, even at this moment. The guilt in his eyes told me he blamed himself, and himself only. I couldn't bare to see him like this. I had to do something. Even just a few sympathetic words of reassurance. Something to tell him we were here for him.

I waltzed carefully to his side. He didn't give me any hint of notice.

"Jordan...I.....I know how hard you can be on yourself...but you can't blame yourself....it's not your fault...I know how you feel right now..." I said, one hand on his left shoulder.


I sighed. He's wasn't going to acknowledge me. I started to walk away.

"How..." he said.

"What?" I asked turning back.

"HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY KNOW HOW I FEEL!!!" He shouted, facing me angrily.

"I....I didn't..."


I was filled with anger.

What did I do to deserve this?!

"As a matter of fact. I have! My own boyfriend died in front of me!" I yelled back.

"Yeah but he came back!!!" He continued to yell in my face.

Tucker heard the yelling and ran over to me, holding me in his arms.

"Dude cool your jets! She was just trying to help!" He defended me.

Jordan clenched his fists and started walking away. He jumped onto his horse tied to a pole nearby.

"Jordan wait!" I called reaching for him.

He pulled his horse into a gallop, and started riding off towards his house.

I couldn't help but start crying. Tucker held me close and wiped my tears away, but I didn't stop feeling sad.

One of my best friends...

It felt like I just lost him...

Jordan's POV:

They'll never understand...

It's all my fault...

Mianite Season 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon