Toms journals Part FIVE

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Journal five:

He got too far this time......he made his way all the way back to where I attacked Jordan, and killed his friend. When I woke up yesterday morning, I was face first in sand, and I spit it out like a madman. It layered my tastebuds, and it was disgusting. I looked around and figured out the direction in which my island was, and was about to head off...

Then I saw it.....the blood stained sand at my feet.....from when I almost killed mind stopped behaving, and stopped my legs from working.....I collapsed on the sand, eyes wide open......

The lifeless body of the dolphin......

Jordan's wide, scared eyes.....

My hand choking him.......

His eyes begged me to stop.......

He looked terrified......

I stopped myself.....

He gasped for breath.....

He looked at me.....

He was scared.......

Of me.........

My own best friend.......

Thinks I'm a killer.....

And technically.......

I AM.....

Jordan, if you ever find this book.......just know that I'm sorry......I couldn't stop him......I hurt you, and your friend, whose name I don't even know......I almost killed you........I'm sorry.......I-I'm sorry........I'm the worst friend ever.....I don't expect you to forgive probably think I'm a monster.....and you're right......please, don't look for me......I'll be gone anyway......I don't deserve your friendship......or Tucker's or Sonja's.... please.....just forget you ever knew me......please........

Later ya sausages.....

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