Toms journals Part TEN

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Journal ten (Final Journal):

Champ and Dec,

Hey guys, I probably hung out with you guys the most out of everyone. Mostly when I got hurt and you guys offered to stitch me up. I've been your most frequent patient and it's not something I'm too proud of. Nonetheless I'm really grateful to you guys for fixing me up when I was down. It really meant a lot to me. Thankyou guys so much. Bye, I'll miss ya both.

Goodbye ya medical sausages

......I.......don't know how to say this in the best way I can without it sounding cheesy are my best friend in the entire world and I love you soooooo much (no homo). You and me were the OG team. Team Syndico, or Jericate, or whatever it was called by our millions of fans that consisted of:

Betsy the OG cow

And the other million that I can totally name and that are real people and not figments of my imagination.

Anyways, you were always there for me from the start, and I think we had the longest running prank war ever. It was amazing being your friend dude, and I had so much fun stealing your shit and watching you find the hidden chests I put it in. It gave me lots of good laughs. I'll really miss you man, and I'm counting on ya to look after the others after I'm gone. I think you and me are the only ones capable of saving their asses. I'll really miss ya dud!

Goodbye ya Pokésausage.....


Hey man, I really hope that you survived after what I did to you.....if you didn't I would have decided to do this a lot sooner.....I can't explain in words how sorry I am for what I put you through and did to you.... I almost killed ya, and hurt multiple other people in the process.....I really hope you read this, so you can know how much I appreciated you having my back, and putting up with my stupid destructive ass. You were by far one of my closest friends, and you were the one that allowed me and the other Dianites to live on the island after the big battle. I thought that after we turned on you guys like that you would exile us for sure. You probably pitied us.... I would too....

Anyway it's thanks to you that I'm still alive. Without your smartness I wouldn't have been able to survive one day. I want to thank you for being such a good friend, even if I was the worst one in the universe. I'll miss ya heaps!

Goodbye ya sparkly sausage!

To all those I've addressed in this journal, I'll miss you a, it's time to get in my cube, and reactivate my trap. Hopefully when he steps on it once he possesses me, he'll activate it and........well........kill himself.....which means he'll also know......goodbye.....


Hey guys it's me! I'm sorry for leaving it like this but I will update again in five days or sooner. I'll also update my other story! Bye!

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