Pranks, tricks, and plots alike

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Stuff it I want to update today.

Jordan's POV:

13th of June 2016

I've never been more embarrassed in my entire life. I fricking hate Tom...

So basically, I was a bit lost on what to say to capsize on our first date at dine at night, so, being the idiot I was, I asked him for advice....

Boy was that possibly the greatest mistake of the century. You know Tom, he never takes anything seriously...

I believe his response went something like this:

"Don't worry sparklypants, matchmaker Tom has the perfect solution to your problem."

Yeah, perfect solution my ass Tom.

He then followed with this:

"So, she's a pirate yeah? You got any really good fishing rods? I heard she likes fishing!"

Now, I had no idea where this was heading, but I didn't think it could negatively impact me, so I said yes. I had this really good fishing rod, with unbreaking III, Lure II, and Luck of the Sea III. So I pulled it out and showed it to him. He said it was perfect. So then, he said this:

"Ok! That should do the trick! Now, when you show it to her, you gotta sound cool, and chill. So, how would you say it?"

So I said:

"Hey capsize, wanna see my fishing rod?"

To which he responded:

"No no no. You don't have much time with this chick, even cutting back on one word will make you sound cooler. Like, she knows it's a fishing rod, just say rod!"

For not realising what he was implying.

So I took his advice, and stupidly asked capsize if she'd like to see my rod...

Let's just say her reaction was in between confused and offended. Then when I pulled out my fishing rod, she knew what I meant. Then, to make matters worse, skipper walked over, just as capsize said:

"Ooh that be a nice rod sparklez."


Skipper and I had a long discussion after that. And let's just say that I might not go on a second date until skipper believes me when I say it wasn't that kind of rod....he is her brother after all...

But believe me when I say, that Tom has something coming his way. And he won't like it.....

-this is Jordan signing off!

Tucker's POV:

14th of June 2016

Yello! It's a me! Sooo, a lot has happened. I just woke up after last night. It took a long time to move into sonja and my new house. Mine was absolutely destroyed, thanks to the countless pranks, and Sonja wanted a change of scenery. So we're living together now! It's quite big actually. Another wizard build. Man I wish I could build as good as them.... we finished unpacking and moving stuff over last night. It took a few hours.

I WAS going to prank Tom today, but when I went to his house, it was abandoned. He left a sign on his door saying:

I just couldn't handle the h8 I cry eri tim

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