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Tucker's POV:

Ever since the pirates arrived, Toms been acting really strange. I'm a bit worried about what he did when he left the pirates to go and 'take care of something at his house'. Like I'll believe that bullshit. As soon as he left I realised that the brig was filling up with water, and grabbed Sonja. Apparently the pirates ran into a rock on their way aaaand the ship started sinking. They were all devastated, saying that the ship was a family heirloom. I felt really bad. I had promised Sonja that I'd clear out the rocks along the coast line because whenever she went fishing or swimming she'd cut her feet. I procrastinated....

I stood on the dock, Sonja at my side, and we were all dripping wet. We had to jump over board and swim to the shore.

"Argh! Me boat!!! How are we going to save me lady now?!" Cried out Skipper in anguish.

"If you want I can build you a new one!" I stammered out without thinking.

Sonja glared at me.

"Tucker!!!" She yelled at me.

"Aye! That be a great idea!" Said capsize.

"Then I'll have it done by tomorrow night!" I said.

"Great! Get to it then matey! Meanwhile, we got a base to build! That mountain looks fine!" Shouted earl, running away with the others.

"Tucker what the hell!" Yelled Sonja.


"Don't promise them something you can't achieve!" She yelled.


She gave me the you're going to die in a few seconds look.

"What?! I can build a boat! I'm not THAT useless! I meant what I said and I said what I meant."

"Tucker go tell them you can't build them a boat!"

"But I don't want to lie!"

"Fine! But I won't save you when they make you walk the plank!" She said storming off.

I sighed. I didn't need her negative attitude right now. I headed to my house to grab some materials for the ship, and realised that there was a whole in the mountain. I walked over, and saw a cobblestone corridor leading to a nether portal. I started to walk inside, and was about halfway through the corridor, when I saw the portal swishing around inside. Someone was coming back through it. It could be Dianite coming through, and he didn't like me at all. He'd kill me on sight.

I pulled out my diamond pick with efficiency III, and started mining into the corridor walls. I covered up my tracks with stone, and crouched in the hole I had made. It was dark, and the only light was shining through a hole about the size of a coin. I heard footsteps approaching, and the bots and pieces of a conversation, or a one-sided conversation.

"Sooo....How are you?"


"Oook not one to chat? That's fine..." said a familiar voice.

"Let me make something clear, if you're gonna live with me, we need to establish ground rules! No eating my food, no sleeping in my be-"

"No, let ME make something clear!" Replied a much deeper voice.

"I don't need your assistance! I am not as helpless as Dianite makes me seem! I will not live with you, and I don't need anything from you, except your leaving me alone!" He continued.

I saw a flash of orange walk past my hidey hole, and I tensed up. Next I saw a flash of green behind them. They stopped at my hiding spot, and turned to face me, and I gasped silently.

I knew that tie anywhere...

"What are you doing? And WHY IS THE SECRET PASSAGE LEFT OPEN!!!"

"W-What?! I swear I closed it behind me!" Said Tom.

"I-I'll close it!"

"What if someone followed you? Or is hiding here right now?!"

Tom turned to face the area I was hiding in, and tilted his head slightly.

"I could've sworn I replaced every block of stone here with cobblestone..." he muttered.

Shit!!! I used the stone I smelted for the pirate ship to cover up my hole!

"Who cares?! Hurry up and close the door!" Yelled the other person he was with.

I watched as Tom walked away, and I heard the sound of a door closing. I sighed in relief and mined out of the hole, covering it back over with cobblestone.

I turned to face the exit and get out, and I froze. They stood right there waiting for me...

"Well, who do we have here? I told you Furia!" Said Tom.

The lava demon beside him that he called Furia held a ball of fire in his hand.

"Is he a friend? Or a foe?" Asked Furia.

I looked at Tom panicked, my eyes begging for mercy.

"Furia..." he began.

The fire grew larger.

"He's a f-"

Woooooo!!!! I'm just powering through these chapters! When I say cliff, you say hanger!



If you didn't say hanger, then two things:

1) you are lying to yourself
2) I will find you and kill you...

Until next Thursday!

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