Far from home

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Congrats if you get that reference! #Marvel4Life!

Tucker's POV:

My best friend lay in front of me. Eyes glazed over. Spikes impaling his chest. Black blood oozing out of the holes in his chest. This wasn't an accident. He did this on purpose. The stupid sausage. His blood was fresh.... if I had just got through a few minutes earlier, he would still be here....

I choked on my tears, and felt my knees give out from underneath me. He was really gone..... how long had he waited for someone to come and help him.... what had Dianite made him do... why hadn't I come sooner.....

My tears made clear bubbles in his black blood pool, and I watched as slowly, the blood returned to red, signalling Dianite dropping his possession on him. I felt my face redden, as I yelled out with all of my strength.

"HE JUST DUMPED HIM!!!! WITHOUT A THOUGHT!!! MONSTER, HE KILLED MY FRIEND!!!" I yelled out to no one in particular.

I sobbed for what seemed like hours, but was only seconds, the memories we had made flashing over and over in my head, reminding me of how much I took him for granted. And now he was dead....

I took him off of the spikes, even more blood spurting out. I felt his heart beating, and it slowly slowing down. There was nothing I could do. There was no way I could get back in time. It was impossible. I watched painfully as his eyes closed, then fluttered open. He squirmed, and I held him still. He coughed up blood, and groaned as he looked up at me.

"T-Tucker?......W-what are you d-doing here?....G-Get away! H-He'll kill y-you!" He muttered in pain.

"It's o-ok t-tom. H-he's gone now....you c-can't hurt anyone anymore." I said between loud sobs.

He nodded, and coughed more blood, causing me to wince. I hugged him close to me, not caring about the blood on my shirt, and cried into his shoulder.

It was ten seconds before the flash of light.

He appeared like an angel answering my prayers.

He took one look at me, and shook his head.

"You should know not to care so much. It brings only sorrow." Said mianite.

I stood up and got on one knee in front of him, bowing my head.

"My lord, I beg of you, please bring him back. He was under the influence of dianite, and tried to stop himself, but couldn't. He hasn't done anything evil or unjust, and is as much an inhabitant of the world you protect as me or anyone else. Please my lord. Though he doesn't follow you, I will give a worthy sacrifice for this action if you do deem it just to do so."

"You care about this one that much?" He asked.

I only nodded.

He sighed and created a massive spurt of light that enveloped Tom. He started to rise, and his eyes closed. The light shone through the holes in his body, and slowly they started to close. After it was done, the light disappeared, slowly dropping Tom back in front of me. Mianite gestured towards us both, and we teleported back to the coast of the island. He disappeared, leaving me speechless. I carried Tom to a nearby tree, and waited for him to wake up.

While waiting, I went home, took ten stacks of diamonds and went to the dock. Sighing, I dropped them in, and the water shone, showing that mianite was pleased with the sacrifice. I went back to Tom, and smiled as he woke up, jumped with incredible speed, looked around wildly, and shouted:


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter! Hope you liked tho. I'll update in five days! Bye!

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