The beast, and the demon

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Hey guys! I decided to update earlier because why not? Hope you like!😈😈😈

Jordan's POV:

I approached the portal frame with the others, after hours of searching and digging around. We finally found it. I had the eye of ender in my hand, but I was hesitant to use it.

"Jordan? Everything ok?" Asked wag.

"Uh yeah! Yeah everything's ok..." I said.

"Then let us go and vanquish this foul beast!" Cried earl.

"Not so fast Matey, this ain't no normal beast. Me and me sister heard this tale from when we were wee little swashbucklers. It caused us nightmares of unimaginable terror. Legend says it flys with wings as big as ships, and breathes purple fire hot enough to melt the skin off of a whale, and whose teeth can pierce diamond!" Explained skipper with great detail.

I can only imagine that we all looked horrified after that description, and I was having serious second thoughts. I shivered as I put together a picture of the monster in my mind.

"Well that definitely puts a different, more horrifying perspective on it!" Said wag.

"Ye said it wizard!" Said capsize.

"But in any case, if we don't stop this monster, it will continue to spread its darkness across the land, eventually reaching your part of the island." Said wag.

"T-then let's go!" I said hesitantly.

I saw capsize and the others hold hands, and she reached her left hand out to me. I smiled and took it, then, hand in hand, I placed the eye in the slot, and we all jumped in...

Sonja's POV:

It was only by pure luck that the day I received the letter was a Friday. That was the only thing that would ultimately save my boyfriends life. I grabbed a book and quill, then started to write the note, ignoring the throbbing in my head, and the pictures of my boyfriends lifeless body surrounded by his blood flashing through my mind.

Dearest fire demon,
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am quite interested in why you want the pirates dead. But even so, I could not commit such a crime. What is one life over another three? It is the right thing to do for me to politely decline your request to kill the pirates. It is with a heavy heart that I sacrifice Tucker's life. Apologies.


P.S. Fuck thee

I grinned and ripped the page out of the book, placing it into an envelope and sealing it shut. I pocketed the letter, and went to Tucker's house, bringing signs with me. Once I finished, I ran to Dianites alter, and waited until it turned midnight, then I placed the note in the hopper, and watched it disappear. I started walking home, when I heard a fire crackling behind me. I smiled.

I turned around to see Tom holding my letter in one hand, and a burning torch in the other. The orange light flickering on his face cast a ghastly demonic shadow. He looked surprised to see me here.

"Sonja, this isn't like you....What the hell are you up to?" He said slowly.

"Nothing...I just couldn't bring myself to kill three innocent people over the one I love!" I said bringing a hand to my forehead in a damsel in distress way.

"Listen, Furia isn't joking. He'll kill him. So I recommend you take this letter and burn it, then kill the pirates, or you'll seriously regret it. How could you even think about sacrificing the life of someone you've known for years, over the lives of three people who almost killed us, who you met two days ago!"

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