New friends, and old tricks

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Toms POV:

I think sparklez might have saved all of our asses with his little Hail Ianite at the plank. I could see him and the captain making goo goo eyes at each other. It made me sick. Now in the purges he would have three more people on his side. Josh and Tony were still a bit weary of me, and nade was never around. I was on my own.

"Apologies mateys, thought ye were with the dark one." Said skipper as he cut our ropes.

"Nah it's cool dude." Said tucker.

I stayed quiet. If they knew I followed Dianite they might kill me on the spot. I'd have to lay low and, when I get the chance, report back to Dianite. He's gonna have something to say about all this.

"Hey it was great meeting you guys but I need to go take care of something back at my house." I said slowly edging towards the ships ladder.

Tucker, Jordan and Sonja all gave me death stares. Being the only Dianite, they knew I wasn't happy about the new recruits on the other side. The pirates saw their looks and laughed.

"Aye mateys! Let him go! He don't need to stay to welcome us. He obviously busy." Said Bluebeard.

"But before ye go, let us introduce ourselves! I'm captain Capsize, leader of this crew! To my right is me brother Skipper Redbeard. Earl Bluebeard here is my pyrotechnics expert. He love the booty as well."

We all burst out laughing and the pirates looked confused.

"Why do ye laugh? We as serious about the golden booty as any pirate of the seas!" Said Earl.

We started tearing up.

"THE GOLDEN BOOTY!!!" Cried out tucker mockingly in a pirates accent.

We all burst out laughing, and collapsed to the ground in a fit of tears and laughter. We didn't tell them why we were laughing though.

I quickly used the distraction to my advantage, and jumped over to the ladder, climbing down and landing on the dock. I remembered my armour and weapons were still on the ship, but thankfully Skipper tosses down a sack filled with my stuff.

"Ye almost forgot yer stuff matey!" He shouted down.

"Yeah! Thanks!"

I put on my armour and picked up my weapons, then ran towards my house, so they wouldn't suspect I was lying. Once I was out of sight, I ran to the mountain side and opened a secret passage. On the other side was a cobblestone corridor, and I ran down it to the nether portal I had built when Dianite came back to see me. I still remember that day...

I sat on my bed in my house, thinking about the past few days. I died then lived again. I owed my life to Mianite and Tucker. I'm no longer possessed. Purges became a thing. The wizards showed up, and tony, Josh and nade were still a bit unsure about whether I was loyal to Dianite.

I was terrified of him to be honest, he almost made me kill Jordan...

I'm really worried about what will happen when he comes back... What if he casts me out for disobeying and fighting him?! What if he kills me or the others?!

A sudden ringing from my com shook me awake, and I ran to it and answered it.

"DUDE DIANITES HERE! YOU BETTER RUN!!!" Tucker shouted at me.

"SHIT!!" I yelled hanging up.

I ran to my basement, and hid in my vault room, locking the door with a combination lock. I crouched beside a chest, and curled up with my head in my knees, hoping he wouldn't think to look in here.

I waited for about five minutes before I heard a teleporting sound. Shit! I heard footsteps approaching the chest, and I froze still.

"Thomas. I know you are in here. Come out now or I won't hesitate to kill every single one of your friends. And it's not a purge..." he said, his voice booming throughout the vault.

I gulped and slowly stood up. He looked at me and smiled.

"Good choice..."

I slowly walked in front of him, and awaited my punishment.

"Kneel..." he muttered.

I didn't hear what he said.

"I SAID KNEEL!!!" His voice thundered.

I flinched and stepped back, but seeing his angry facial expressions I kneeled with my head facing the floor, shaking so hard you could use me as a massage chair.

I tensed up as he moved beside me, facing forward.

"To say I'm disappointed in you is a gargantuas understatement. You deliberately tried to stop me. Who are you loyal to Syndicate? Who are you loyal to? Tell me, I am dying to know!"

"You my lord....." I muttered shakily.

"I'm sorry?!" He almost shouted.

"You my lord!!!" I cried out in fear.

He nodded.

"That's right. From the day I saved you from those other Mianitees at the battle, you pledged your eternal loyalty to me. Where, I ask is that loyalty now?! I do not take betrayal lightly Thomas..."

I shook in fear as he brought himself to the front of me. He placed one sharp black claw underneath my neck and tilted it upwards, forcing me to stare into his eyes, which were red with anger.

"Since I'm feeling generous, I'll take pity on the pathetic helpless mortal I see in front of me. Only if he doesn't DARE disobey or resist me again! From now on he will answer to me and me only. He will fight with everything he has, and protect his god with his life. He will not take pity on his cowardly friends or their god for saving him. He is to report all acts on their behalf to me immediately! Does the mortal understand me? Or am I not making myself clear?!"

"I understand my lord....." I said with tears in my eyes.


With that he disappeared, leaving me behind, a sobbing, shaking mess of a person. I curled into a ball and cried uncontrollably for a few hours, before I went outside and joined the others...

I shivered at the memory of that day, but if I wanted to stay on my gods good side, I needed to face him again. I stepped through the portal, and after a few nauseous seconds of dizziness, I emerged into a blazing fiery hell. In front of me he stood, facing away from me, at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the endless lava pools below.

"Thomas..." he began.

I knelt on the netherack, with my head bowed.

"They've arrived haven't they... The pirates?"

"Y-Yes my lord..."

"Then I want you to meet someone. My minion. You will provide him with protection in the overworld, until I say so."

"Y-Yes lord Dianite."

Suddenly a figure landed at Dianites side. He was a lava demon, and his body was covered in luminescent orange and black lines. I later realised the orange was molten lava. His eyes glowed a bright orange, and his mouth was black inside. He smiled menacingly at me.

"Thomas, say hello to my minion, Furia..."

Hey guys! As an apology for updating late I've decided to update two chapters back to back! Enjoy! And please don't hate me... I'll update next Thursday or sooner!

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