•chapter 24•

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Seth's pov

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Seth's pov

Everyone in the room cheered as my character in mortal combat ended the miz's in a crushing defeat. I raised my fist in the air relishing in the glory as Xavier chuckled at mikes sad face.

"Miz is out of the upupdowndown tournament, money maker outta here because he lost to the CHAMP!!" I laughed pointing at mike who chuckled rolling his eyes. I stood up and moved towards woods who motioned me over to him.

He held a mic up to me as a camera filmed the after fans video "so seth how do you feel about beating the money maker?" I chuckled straightening out my shirt. "Well ya know it was an easy game.....I mean come on it's miz what did you expect I'm the champ for a reason". (Gif)

"And how do you feel that the next person you face in the tournament will be your own wife the boss Sasha banks" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Well my wife should know better than anyone how good I am at video games but I admit she's beat me a few times at home so we'll just have to see".

Xavier nodded before finishing off the video and turning to me " honestly man I'm scared to face merc" he chuckled and patted myself shoulders as the USO's stood next to us. "Facing your own wife in video games is more scary than facing any wrestler in the ring" jimmy admitted and we all laughed.

I'm definitely dead

258 words

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