•chapter 20•

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Seth's pov

Me and Sasha sat at a restraint in New York where this weeks raw and smackdown was being held with a couple of cameras and wwe interviews surrounding us. "You sure about this?" I asked holding her left hand under the table with my fingers tracing over the diamond that sat upon her finger.

"I'm so happy this is finally happening" she whispered looking down at her engagement ring that I had proposed to her with a few days ago at my home back in Iowa. "I couldn't wait any longer to call you mine forever" I replied low enough so that only she could hear. Before we started we went over some of the questions with the producer to make sure they weren't too private before staring the short interview.

"So sasha Seth we know you both have been dating for awhile but Seth you posted a picture of a ring on social media two days ago can you explain?" Tom asked and I smiled as Sasha placed her hand on the table so the camera could see her ring. I placed my hands on the table and leaned forward cheekily (gif) "take that finn balor" I joked mentioning Sashas trashy ex boyfriend.

Sasha chuckled slightly as the interview continued "so at the wedding are we going to see any special dance moves?" Tom asked and Sasha laughed making my heart flutter. "I mean something like this right" she giggled roaring her torso whilst smiling at me (gif).

"Well thank you guys for the interview and we wish you the best in the future" Tom said before the interview endned and the cameras finally left us alone. "What was that?" I laughed hunching over the table as I recalled Sashas little dance "what I thought it was good!" She exclaimed smacking my arms gently. Sasha moves her chair closer to mine and rested her head against my shoulder making me smile.

I kissed the top of her head before intertwining our hand on my lap "I love you Colby" "I love you too mercy".

356 words

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