Thirty Four

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The bus had pulled up in front of one of the many beach front hotels in that area, at around midday. Everyone had cleaned up their chip crumbs and soda spills before unloading their bags from the outer compartments of the bus.

A few minutes later, the coach led everyone inside where you had to wait in the lobby while she talked to the receptionist.

Eunha calmly approached Lisa and you, with a huge grin plastered across her face. She then sat down beside you on one the many couches, her smile never fading.

"What's got you so happy?" She turned to look at you.

"Y/N, good things happen to those who wait." Your eyes widened as you clamped your palm onto your mouth. Lisa looked up from her phone interested in the conversation as well.

"Wait-don't tell me! You have a crush on someone." Her smile dropped slightly as her cheeks became a shade of dark pink. She gasped a little.

"How did you know?" You squealed as you grabbed hold of her hands. You bounced up and down on the couch in excitement for your friend.

"If the colour of your face isn't a dead giveaway, then I don't know what is." Lisa laughed a little as she turned her gaze towards the ceiling.

"So?" She raised one of her eyebrows signalling you to continue. "Who is it?"

Lisa turned towards Eunha once more, still deeply interested in the conversation.

"It's-" The coach cleared her throat abruptly making all of us turn towards her. She gave a long winded speech on discipline before giving all of us eight key cards for the rooms we were going to be staying in.

We all had to split up into groups of three to make it fair for all of us. Of course, you had chosen to share a room with Lisa and Eunha which was on the fourth floor.

"Let's grab our luggage and head to our room's now." Eunha said before grabbing her suitcase a few meters away. You and Lisa did the same a followed her to the elevator.


The view of Seoul was absolutely breathtaking from the balcony. You could see the wonderful, infamous Daechon beach, were there looked to be more than a hundred people.

"Maybe I should go over to the park?" You mumbled as you placed your chin on your arms, which were firmly placed on to the ledge.

The sound notification from your phone snapped you out of your trance. It was a message from your mom.

"Hey, sweetie! Hope you made it safely to Seoul," You smiled as you read on. "Just to let you know, I will be watching all your school's games so I won't miss anything. I love you, Y/N. Fighting!"

You quickly wiped away the tears that trickled from your eyes as fast as they fell. You sniffled a little as you sent her a response.

"Ah, Y/N. You better not be crying again!" Your eyebrows furrowed together as you read the message.

"How did she know?" You gasped a little looked around trying to see if there were any cameras around.

When you were satisfied there were none, you turned your phone off and placed it into the back pocket of your jean shorts. You stepped back into the room, Eunha was on the phone with, guessing from her constant movement, her crush and Lisa sat reading an issue of her favourite magazine.

"I'm going down to the park a few blocks down." They nodded before returning to their previous manner.

You hurriedly put on your white sneakers before heading on out.

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