New Years Eve Special (Pt.1 <3)

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New Year's Eve Special ~

~ Word Count: 3.2k

Today is one of the busiest times of the year. The last chance to shop what you want and explore wherever you want for this year before the clock hits midnight. Magically marking the very first moment of another brand new exciting year.

Gusts of wind washes out the small caved subway station. Multiple doors slide open, releasing a mass of rushed pedestrians heading to their desired destinations on the last day of the year. A group of four lively individuals exited their way out and joined the everlasting sea of people.

The caramel brunette continued to glare viciously at the ravenette wearing his favorite red jersey shirt. He ignores the short brunette girl and focused his attention on the other sister, who remained quiet and enjoyed her time watching the view of clustered crowds surrounding them.

Yusuke searches around the area and finally points close to a bright green building, "I think the grocery store should be over the-".

Yuuki suddenly groans, cutting off Yusuke's sentence. "If only this idiot didn't decide to join us grocery shopping then we wouldn't have missed the 12:30 train." She huffs.

The redhead rolls his eyes, irritatedly tired of hearing both Yuuki and Subaru barking back and forth during the whole way here. Subaru cocks his head back at the caramel brunette, who looked ready to rip his head off, gave a fake friendly smile and said thanks. Nothing else.

Yuuki clenched her fists, preparing herself to pounce onto his shoulders and just lose it but halts, if it wasn't for her sister turning back around towards her and clutching onto her shaking fists. "It's okay, onee-chan. I think with Subaru-san here, he'll be a great help carrying our groceries back home."

The brunette frowns, almost moaned a whimper. She looks straight at her sister with furrowed brows, "but what if my favorite pork chops are already sold out. You know how much I love pork chops during this time of year."

Ema nods her head in understanding, using her other hand to rub her sister's upper arm gently. "I know you do, onee-chan. I know-"

"Wait. So you're telling me. That this whoole time Yuuki has been grumbling all day long. Is because of some damn disgusting pork chops?!" Yusuke turns his head at Yuuki, pointing an accusing finger at the poor caramel brunette.

Yuuki gaped, slapping her hand on her chest in an offended manner. She didn't want to hear from someone that doesn't know how to properly talk to girls talk smack about her favorite food. She opens her mouth, ready to snap back at the aggravated redhead before Ema hastily leaps in between the two teens to prevent another clash of mayhem. Ema had a crooked nervous smile, worriedly wondering how she can calm her cranky sister down before the New Years Eve family dinner starts tonight.

"Anyways onee-chan, your pork chops are probably fine, nice and frozen. Maybe waiting for us to grab them because-"

"Hoy, we're here." Subaru bluntly states, cutting off Ema absently.

All three teens looks up from where Subaru mentions the store and Yuuki reacts quickly, grabbing her sister's wrist to drag them inside first. "Alriight. Pork chops-chaan. Mommys' coming for you~<3!" Yuuki playfully sang a she enters the store. "Come on, Ema-chan. They should be on sale right now. So we better get them before any others grab my babies!"

"Hmph, not only is she short, she can be fat as well." Subaru humphed with a smirk.

Yuuki jerks back around to Subaru, knocking down Yusuke in the process as he tried to grab a rolling cart. "What did you say, Su-baka-ru? I will rip your stupid jersy-"

Once Upon Too Many Times ~ Brothers Conflict x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن