twentynine .

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Episode 5 ~

~ Word Count: 3.3k

Third POV

A set of footsteps shuffled themselves down the stairs in a labored manner. Until they picked up the pace when the caramel brunette heard a loud gasp from her sister downstairs. Her heart fluttered rapidly, scared and worried of what might have happened to her.

"What happened, Ema?! Did you fall? Cut yourself?" Yuuki shouted, basically flying down to the kitchen.

As she reaches to Ema's figure, she starts panting, staring at her with wide eyes while checking over her sister's body if she was harmed in any way.

"There's no food!" Ema exclaimed, frowning at her sister.

Yuuki takes a moment to pause, slowly steering her eyes back up to Ema's face. She blinked a few times, exhaling "eh?"

"Yeah, I think Kyo-san forgot to buy groceries-"

"I don't think that's my issue right now." Yuuki cuts her off with a frustrated sigh, placing her hand on Ema's shoulder, "so you're okay, right?"

Ema gave a perplexed look, tilting her head, "i'm pretty sure. But stop worrying about me and worry about the missing ingredients that you have to make for our picnic today!" Ema gripped her sister's hand that was on her shoulder, somewhat shaking it gently.

Yuuki took in one final deep breath before opening her eyes again to face the situation that her frantic sister seems to panic about.

"Well sorry that I almost had a heart attack from your loud gasp or anything," she said sarcastically but Ema paid no attention to it, "anyways what do we have in the kitchen now?"


Yuuki drops her head in a sigh before walking over to the pantry that they usually store all the non-perishable foods. She hummed, actually surprised that Ema was right. It does seem like Ukyo forgot to get our monthly groceries. Yuuki mentally took note to do the grocery shopping tomorrow morning before cooking breakfast for the guys.

"That's alright. I think we still have leftover chicken from last night's dinner and there's flour so I can make chicken katsu in little bite sizes." Yuuki pondered, planning how she can still cook with limited supply they have right now.

"I will go run to the store for yo- oof!" Ema had a jump start in running but already managed to accidentally bump into Tsubaki.

The silverette catches the light brunette and helps her regain her stance. Ema blushes fiercely, embarrassed for not looking where she was going. She bows her head in guilt but Tsubaki just pulls her into a bone-crushing hug instead.

"You're so adorable imouto-chan~" he gushed with a squeal.

Ema tries wiggling out of his hold, until a certain ravenette did the honors for her. Tsubaki immediately places both of his hands to press the top of his head where he was harshly hit by his identical twin brother. He whines in pain, lifting his teary eyes at the cause of it.

"Obviously you don't know how to take no as an answer." Azusa rolled his eyes, walking away from his childish other half.

Tsubaki childishly frowned but gets distracted when he heard Wataru's gasp at the dining table.

"Wow, a basket! What's inside of it onee-san?" Wataru asked curiously, a sparkle of wonderment in his eyes as he continued to stare at the brown picnic basket.

At the other side of the room, the familiar pediatrician tiredly walks to the couch, sighing in relief to be back home from being at the hospital for the past two hectic days. His ears catches sounds of commotion close to the kitchen and peers in that direction. He sees Wataru jumping up and down, noticeably excited about something.

Once Upon Too Many Times ~ Brothers Conflict x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя