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Episode 4 ~

~ Word Count: 3.7k

Third POV

Slowly, she pours in the precise measurement of liquid into the test tube from the beaker. Her eyes focused, careful not to mess up her experiment for her chemistry lab report.

Yuuki was alone in the quiet science laboratory after school hours. A majority of the students left the premises and lingering staff were in their classrooms still trying to finish their work before heading out for the weekend.

The boiling substance within a large beaker on top of the hot metal plate sizzled the added chemicals to result in a reaction that caused it to form a dark blue appearance but vanished immediately to become visibly clear as water.

Yuuki gaped then curved a satisfied grin in pleasure of her success to fully complete the experiment while proving her hypothesis right. She pats her shoulder to congratulate herself.

The caramel brunette heads over to the table that placed her worksheet. She takes off her protective gear of goggles and clicks the end cap of her pencil before jotting down her results. When she was done, she pridefully lifts her lab report in the air with a huge smile.

Suddenly, she felt the paper snatched out of her hands. Yuuki darts her angry glare at the person responsible for taking her hard work that she spent a week to finish.

Her heart drops, realizing who the person was, but her hands still clenched into fists. Absolutely irritated at the fact she just comes waltzing in freely with no warning.

"Thanks nerd, for doing my lab report." A wicked smirk eases it's way to her perfectly glossed lips.

Yuuki's lips parted, shocked and outraged by the student president's attempt to steal her work- once again. This was clearly not part of their deal since who knows how long. Though, this was not the first time she has done this outside of their agreement.

"B-but this is mine-"


Yuuki yelped in pain, immediately holding onto her now red cheek. The glasses perched on her nose flew off and crashes onto the ground. Her eyes glanced back in fear but still remained where she was. She didn't expect her to slap her unexpectedly.

"Oops. I guess my hand slipped," Christine innocently shrugged her shoulders then coldly smiles down at the trembling girl, "shouldn't have talked back to me, you stupid brat."

The beautiful blonde swepts her hair out of the way then turns around to head out the door until she felt the paper slip out of her hold and back into the owner's hands. She furiously twists her head back with a snarl.

"Like I said before," Yuuki stood her ground with a hiss and glared back at those wicked dark green eyes, "this report is mine. You didn't tell me to create yours, only those dumb essays you told me to do yesterday."

Christine tisked in annoyance, stepping back to grip onto the collars of Yuuki's school blazer. The caramel brunette winced at the intense stare she was receiving. She already knew this was not a good idea to mess with the person that has bullied her for so long.

"And who said you could talk back to me, huh? You do realize I have the potential to mess with your precious sister as well."

The mention of Ema, directly from her, made Yuuki's blood turn cold. Her hazelnut eyes widen in horror, terrified in the very idea of dragging her sweet gullible sister in her own mess of trouble. Christine drew a sly smirk.

"That's what I thought."

The tall blonde girl harshly shoves the frozen caramel brunette to the ground. Yuuki squeaked in agony, meeting the floor with a painful thud. The girl could tell she'll earn a huge bruise on her hip.

Once Upon Too Many Times ~ Brothers Conflict x OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें