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Episode 4 ~

~ Word Count: 3.9k

Third POV

Darkness covered the sky, along with sprinkles of light coming from the stars shimmering down the city of Tokyo. A certain young man gazes up at the sky, countless thoughts swirling inside his mind. He shakes his head to dismiss them for the moment, pleading for the guilt rising in him to stop.

His unruly raven hair uncombed since yesterday's mess and dark shadows pooling under his serious violet eyes. A sigh escaped his mouth and continued to search throughout the night sky for answers.

Answers to where his naive twin brother may be at. Answers to how to convince the producers to give his role to his beloved twin brother, the one who has dreamed to obtain this role more than him since they were kids.

Azusa was alone in front of the house, waiting for his brother to come back home. Hoping he'll at least show up to explain why he left so sudden late in the night yesterday. All night, Azusa spent worrying for his stubborn silverette twin and how to address the problem to him.

It has probably been a few hours that past as he continued to stand outside to wait. The ravenette was about to turn back inside the house to warm up a bit until he heard a familiar cheerful warm voice.

"Nice out, isn't it?"

Azusa cocks his head back to see the friendly caramel brunette gazing up at the dark sky as well, smiling so radiently. His eyes seemed to adore the way her eyes sparkle underneath the moonlight and he found himself walking up towards her.

Yuuki glances back at the ravenette, offering him a warm smile to wash away the worry that etched his frown lines. She tried her best to hide the worry frowned behind her smile, she didn't want him to be concerned that she was already terribly worried about the two.

"You just came back from school late again?" Azusa arches a brow as he glances at Yuuki's school uniform. Her glasses still perched on her nose.

"You can say that" Yuuki chuckled.

The young girl reaches up to caress his cheek but stops herself, smoothly dropping to rub comfortably on his bicep. She thought it was too sudden to do so, even though she usually does it on instinct. A faint blush warms her cheeks at the thought then shakes her head, following a light cough.

"So how about you?" Azusa stares up at her face, confused by what she meant. Yuuki stammered and immediately darts her eyes to the ground, trying her best to not spark a fire.

"H-how was work today-"

"I didn't go to work today. I chose not to." Azusa cut her off with a low groan.

Yuuki felt her hand automatically rub his bicep more, feeling his skin cold through his long sleeves. She had a feeling that he spent a good amount of time waiting outside for Tsubaki. She slowly glances up to his face, noticing him frowning again.

"Would you like to talk about why you didn't?" Yuuki asked quietly.

Azusa darts his eyes away from her, pondering if it was a good idea to do so. He was about to decline but thought about it again. He realized, Yuuki is a smart girl and he figured someone like her has already sensed his distress. She did it the last time she came to talk to him.

Azusa sighed, carefully picking the right words to say, "it's kinda complicated at the moment for me, Tsubaki, and the whole staff for this one anime we both signed up for. At this point, it's just me that was chosen instead of Tsubaki. I want Tsubaki to take my part but the producers are not willing to compromise so i'm planning on quitting-"

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