
2.7K 99 13

Episode 5 ~

~ Word Count: 2.7k

Third POV

One month has passed and the new year smoothly breezed in. Those that arrived back from the ski trip quickly settled back to their regular routines.

Hikaru was called to work in America again, telling his farwells to his brothers and two little sisters. Before leaving, he left a charm specifically for Yuuki. Although she has tried to protest countless of times, Hikaru won by secretly hanging it by her computer desk. Right next to Wataru's adorable drawing on her wall.

In Yuuki's sake, since coming back from the trip. She's been feeling as if she has broke her exterior. The mask that she built over the years to hide that shameful frown that carried an abundance of pain and suffering that's usually too much for a young girl like her to hold.

With a portion of her secret exposed to Hikaru, she felt much more insecure than usual.

The first month of the year has been rough for Yuuki. Despite not seeming like it on the outside. She decided to stack a thicker wall and bandage her cracked mask. She thought it would be beneficial for her and the rest of the family. She couldn't afford for another family member of hers to know.

Having Wataru and Hikaru seeing her wounds is already scary enough for her.

The caramel brunette found herself dragging her feet to the front of the huge complex building, an exhausted look dwelled upon her face. The wind swiftly eases her nerves, brushing her hair away from her face while letting the developed sakura leaves to blend within the air.

She catches sight of the Asahina garden dancing in the breeze, then saw one particular patch of flower beds in the corner. She walks up to it and crouches to gaze at it in awe.

They were baby sunflowers, so close to reaching their potential to be at the very height when it'll maturely grow. A smile grazes on her lips but falters as she glances to the flower bed beside it, somehow the flowers looks devastating.

Yuuki reaches to touch the petals of the beautiful pure white daises but noticed the flower avoid her touch, panging her heart with guilt. She slowly attaches her hand back to her side, a desolate look washed within her eyes.

"Daises: signifying hope and innocence of one, huh? Is this a sign that I don't have any?" Yuuki mutters under her breath, her bangs cascading her shadowed eyes.

"You're back from school, Yuuki-san?"

The young girl jumped and squeaked from being suddenly startled. She twirls around and sees Iori carrying a shovel and gardening gloves. He quickly apologizes sheepishly, lowering his shovel on the ground to walk up to the brunette.

Yuuki tries to wave him off with a cheerful yet bashful smile, "you're fine. I'm assuming i'm in the way of your work." She guiltily averts her gaze from his, taking a step back from the flower beds.

"No, it's okay, Yuuki-san. I was just going to remove these daisies and replace them with new ones that I received today." Iori smiles serenely.

Yuuki lifts her gaze on the collected prince-like male before her, utterly fascinated by how captivated he looked standing outside with the flowers dancing and the sakura falling like snow. It was truly a sight she cannot unsee.

'He may look like an enchanting prince, but somehow his personality does not match up.'

Iori tilts his head curiously, staring down at the caramel brunette who seemed like she was in a trance. "Is something the matter, Yuuki-san?"

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