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Episode 2 ~

~ Word Count: 2.7k

Third POV

A pair of eyes softly fluttered, freshly waking up to rays of sunlight through their draped curtains. Yuuki managed to squint her eyes at first then stretched her entire limbs. A yawn peeps from her mouth and gently rubs her eyes from the dust subsided in her inner corners.

Yuuki looks around her room then freezes.

She looks down at her clothes and palpated her body, realizing she was not wearing the same clothes from last night. Her hands slides on top of the major purple bruise that resides her left hip, carefully to not press too hard.

Yuuki pats her head, also realizing her massive headache from yesterday has dissolved. There wasn't a bump on her head, due to the ice that reduced the swelling.

The caramel brunette hops out of bed and saw a small tray carrying a bottle of pills resting beside a half-glass of water. The girl places her hand on the tray and smiled. Appreciating the only person she knew who would go out of their way to provide their care.

Yuuki trudges in front of her closet and blindly chooses a set of clothes to wear for the day.



In the kitchen, Ema carefully poured a bowl of chopped ingredients to her stove. She was helping prepare brunch, since it was a Saturday late morning. Beside her, Ukyo made sure to be in charge of the harder tasks he thought the young girl couldn't do yet.

In the main room resided Tsubaki and Azusa going over a script while watching their youngest brother coloring on sheets of paper they brought for him to enjoy. Yusuke was sitting at the table, along with Futo, both on their phones trying to ignore each other.

Above the loft, Yuuki climbs down the stairs while greeting everyone a good morning. She caught the attention from everyone and watched her smile at them. Futo annoyingly huffed and rolled his eyes back to his phone. Since last night, he couldn't stop thinking about Yuuki's words and how she smoothly played him back.

Yusuke partially unhooks his jaw and felt his cheeks warm. This was the first time he has seen Yuuki without a school uniform. He thought she looked absolutely different, but in a good way.

Before Yuuki could skip towards the cheerful young boy, she wandered into the kitchen to hug her twin. As her arms wraps around Ema's shoulders, Ema slightly jerked but relaxed again when she smelled her twin's recognizable perfume.

"Ema-chan~," Yuuki rests her chin on Ema's shoulder and whispered, "thank you for taking care of me last night. I really appreciate it."

Ema chuckled and patted Yuuki's locked hands in front of her chest.

"Of course, you feel better now?" Ema asked, concerned.

Yuuki unhooked her hands and Ema took the chance to fully face her sister. Yuuki nodded with a smile but placed a finger to her lips.

"But please don't tell anyone-"


Yuuki was interrupted by an excited jumping child. The caramel brunette twirls around to see Wataru tugging on her free hand. She looks back at Ema and her twin gave the signal to go ahead.

Wataru dragged Yuuki out of the kitchen to the main room where he was previously coloring. The little boy picks up a couple of his finished drawings and he giggled proudly.

"Ne ne, onee-chan look at my drawings! I did it all by myself!"

Yuuki felt her heart melt at Wataru's radiant smile. She knew just his smile can always cure her sadness any day.

Once Upon Too Many Times ~ Brothers Conflict x OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum