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Episode one ~

~ Word Count: 2.2k

Third POV

Yuuki followed after the two men down to the third floor. Behind her were the twins and Yuusuke, curious as to Ema would be okay. The eldest of the family and Ema's worried sister wanted Kaname to use the elevator with Ema's body held in his arms.

Before Masaomi and Yuuki entered Ema's unpacked room, Masaomi turns around to ask her a curious question that has stunned him earlier.

The twins and Yusuke stopped walking, as well as Yuuki who now faced Masaomi's caring face.

"You know, back there where we were accessing the problem of Yuuki, you were able to detect the problem quicker than I was. Which really surprised me. How did you know what to do?" Masaomi tilted his head, curious.

The twins and Yusuke nodded their heads as well, wanting to know too. Yuuki sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"While growing up, me and Ema were alone and only had each other. Ema had the tendency to get sick more often than me. We didn't had enough money for a hospital visit nor had a guardian with us, so I would study a little bit of medicine and medical health in order to completely take care of Ema as a kid" Yuuki shyly smiled, with her hands behind her back.

Tsubaki and Azusa's mouths were parted, amazed to hear a beautiful young girl like her studied medicine at such a young age. Yusuke, too, was astounded but tried not to show it because he knew it would make sense to how smart Yuuki can be.

"Sugoi" exhaled Tsubaki and Azusa.

Yuuki chuckled at their reactions then followed after Masaomi.

"Honestly, that surprises me even more because i'm actually a pediatrician. So hearing a young girl like you being able to formally access a patient amazes me" Masaomi smiled.

Yuuki slightly blushes at the oldest brother's praise onto her. It has been awhile since someone, other than Ema, her father, and Juli, praised her on her work.

It felt nice for once.

Masaomi walks in to see Ema already in bed and Kaname sitting on the only available chair in her room. Yuuki noticed there wouldn't be enough room for her to fit, as well as the other three behind her. So she decided to stay back, leaning on the wall across from Ema's new bedroom door.

The twins and Yusuke stayed put as well, but more of surrounded Yuuki.

"You know-"

Yuuki opened one eye and stared at Yusuke, who was staring back at her with light pink tinted cheeks.

"I just now noticed you're not wearing your glasses. Don't you wear them at school?" Yusuke asked, not knowing if that was embarrassing to ask her.

The same girl he always gazed at during class.

"Ehh, you wear glasses Yuuki-chan?" Tsubaki tilted his head.

Tsubaki started to imagine what Yuuki would look like with glasses on. He thought Yuuki was already beautiful without them, would she look even better with them on?

Azusa thought of the same thing, thinking she could look like him.The thought almost caused his cheeks to flush, just thinking someone pretty as her could look like him.

"Mhm, correct. Though, I prefer to wear them at school and not at home because I don't really need them. Surprisingly, i'm not that near-sighted" giggled Yuuki.

"I, lowkey, want to see what you look like with glasses on Yuuki-chan" Tsubaki grinned.

The sound of Ema's voice radiated to Yuuki's ears, a flood of relief calming her unnoticed nerves.

Once Upon Too Many Times ~ Brothers Conflict x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora