
4.3K 151 2

Episode 3 ~

~ Word Count: 2.3k

Third POV

Sounds of echoed panting were heard in the hallways of Hinode High School. A familiar caramel brunette was hurriedly running to a certain classroom where she was supposed to meet ten minutes ago.

Once she reaches the doors to the classroom, she stops running and places her hands on her knees to catch her breath. As her breathing seems to be at normal respiratory level, she opens the door to meet her sister and Yusuke's attention on her.

The teacher sitting in front of the two step siblings also turns her head to the somewhat panting girl.

"I'm so sorry for being late" Yuuki blurts as she walks in after closing the door behind her.

Before taking the seat beside her sister, she bows her upper body in front of their teacher.

"Please forgive my lateness as an indication of ignorance to not being able to attentively be here on time for an important meeting as this. I will not display such a behavior again, sensei!" Yuuki respectfully apologizes.

The teacher thought Yuuki apologizing so formally was excessive to where she thought it was unnecessary for a girl like her to display. She uncomfortably waved it off with her hand and smiled. She knew someone as academically bright as her would have a good reason for being late.

"It's fine, no need for such formality, Hinata-san. All it matters is that you're here" said the teacher.

Yuuki nodded and sat down. When the young girl with glasses finally glances at her twin, she gave a nerved smile and a small chuckle while rubbing the back of her neck.

"I thought you guys have started without me by now" Yuuki chuckled.

"How come you were late? That's unlike you, onee-chan" Ema concernly asked.

Ema has known her sister to be the most responsible person. She's not known to be late to meetings that are important as a parent-teacher conference.

"Well, I was stuck dealing with student council stuff at the library" Yuuki half-lied.

The poor caramel brunette was actually forced to do a last minute school report for the student president herself after finishing several paperwork for club admission forms. The rest of the student council officers and the president decided to go to the mall and shoved all the hard tasks at the frustrated girl.

As Yuuki sighs and slightly slouches a little in her chair, she immediately jerked back up as all three students heard the door slide open.

A strike of blonde hair pops out from outside with a huge calm smile and a full view of a tall man in a formal suit. Yuuki glowers her stare at the man and Yusuke stands up, shocked.

"Thank you for taking care of my two adorable little sisters and my nuisance little brother" Kaname greeted as he walks in the classroom.

Ema just stares at Kaname, confused why he is here instead of Masaomi. Beside her was her sister trying to look away and praying in her head that he does not start causing trouble like flirting to her sister in front of the teacher.

"Kana-nii-san, why are you here?" Yusuke gapped.

"Don't you fret, Masaomi was suddenly called for an emergency and I just happened to be available to fill him in for the conference" Kaname informs the three.

The blonde monk gently sits down beside the teacher, and the teacher softly blushes as she notices how handsome the man was close-up. He turns his head to the teacher and nodded in acknowledgement to her. The older woman straightens up while pursing her lips from holding back any unprofessional thoughts.

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