"Lord Tyrell," Edric greeted the man standing before him in a content tone.

"We looked for you in the capital," The Tyrell man admitted, looking directly at Edric.

"We weren't there," Edric answered in a calm tone, shaking his head slightly.

"The usurpers would have been dead within the seconds of walking through the castle walls if we had been," Edmyn added in, every single man there knowing it was the absolute truth.

"Queen Annalys and King Robb are dead," He informed the three knights in a calm tone, "Prince Eddard and Princess Lyanna are, too. Why weren't you there to protect the royal family?"

"Our Queen wanted us here," Steffon spoke up in a calm tone, referring to the fact that last of the Lannister-Stark children were located inside the tower.

"Where is he?" One of the other rebels suddenly asked, but the three knights remained silent, "Hand him over, surrender to the new royal family, and perhaps she will pardon you."

"We know no Queen but the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms whose name is Annalys Lannister," Ser Steffon responded in a stern tone.

"Surrender and perhaps we'll give you lot a quick death," Edmyn added in, smirking slightly, "Because it isn't a secret you signed your death sentences by coming here, making demands of us as if you're entitled to. We do not serve you. We never will."

"I wish you good fortune in the wars to come," Edric found himself speaking up, being far more honorable and polite with his words, unlike his two sworn brothers.

   The three knights remained silent as they placed on their Queensguard helmets, preparing to fight the rebels to the death, even if it cost them their own lives.

"And now it begins," Lord Tyrell found himself commenting, taking a step toward Edric.

"No, my lord," Edric replied, not looking to fearful of the fact that the majority of the men were coming toward him instead of Ser Steffon and Ser Edmyn, "Now, it ends."

All at once, Edric, Edmyn, and Steffon unsheathed their swords and only seconds later, the rebels did the same.

   However, each man loyal to the rebels were clearly nervous and uneasy, which Edric, Edmyn, and Steffon were quick to notice.

   Of course, it was expected. Those men knew most of them would most likely die that day, presumably at the hands of Ser Edric.

Ser Arthur Dayne had been the legendary fighter of their father's time, but in their time, Ser Edric Dayne was that person. The man no one wanted to go up against.

Ser Edmyn Hightower was just as lethal, but many didn't know that. Ser Edmyn became apart of Annalys' Household when Annalys had already taken the Iron Throne and made peace with the kingdoms. That didn't mean he couldn't carve through each of those poor excuses for knights like he'd carve through a cake.

  Some foolish man standing behind the Tyrell man took it upon himself to be the first to place an attack, not realizing he was signing his own death sentence.

He swung at Edric, who deflected the man's hit with his own sword at ease. With a single swipe, he slashed the man across his chest, causing the man to fall to the ground, nearly dead.

One came toward Ser Steffon, believing him to be the weak link. If only they knew.

The man slashed his sword at him twice, but missed both times. His body whipped around and he immediately attempted to turn to face Steffon once more. He tried to backhand the knight with the hilt of his sword, only end up with a sword impaling him right through the chest.

LION'S LEGACY | ROBB STARK [2]Where stories live. Discover now