"I raised him right then!" She shouted carrying the bags to the front door. I ran to open it for her, after getting the bags from her. "Maybe I didn't raise him right. He would have jumped on my back for a ride instead of helping." She said in shock of my actions.

          "Mum told me to always put others first. Even if you need help, think that they always need it more." I told her, hearing my mums voice tell me that after she held the door open for a man in a wheelchair. Maura smiled at me with tears in her eyes and nodded. She walked in and yelled that we were back. I took the bags to the guest room and left to find Niall.

          "I thought she kidnapped you from me forever!" He yelled at me when I walked into the kitchen. He kissed me then tugged me to sit next to him at the table. His dad was sitting there watching his son with a questioning look in his eyes. Then he looked to me and smiled.

          "How was shopping with Maura? Did she ask you what you want then ignore it and tell you what you want?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

          "Only like, ten times... per shop." I said and he laughed.

          "Oh yeah, Bobby, can you take Zayn to buy some spray paint?" Maura told her husband. He looked at me with confusion written across his face. This man shows all of his emotions and words on his face.

          "I, uh, was going to... never mind." I said feeling nervous about telling someone what I was going to do to their home, just as a guest.

          "Zayn is very artistic. He liked the spray paint walls at one of the stores and I told him he can do it to his room." She told him. He nodded.

          "That's going to look very unique. We can go after dinner. Also, you can call me Bobby." He told me.

          Niall and I talked about everything while dinner was being made. I didn't want to eat anything, honestly. I just kept that to myself. I was afraid with all I was eating I was going to get even fatter than I already was. So, when Niall's mum said dinner was ready, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Only eat what you want. Just try to eat, okay love?" I huffed and nodded.

          The food was set before us and Bobby suggested a prayer. I looked at him and he stopped before he started the prayer. "You don't mind that we pray over the food? I don't know if you're religious or not." He asked I shook my head.

          "I'm Muslim. My parents were very religious. Mostly my mum. She taught me and my sisters everything we knew and believed. I still believe in everything she taught me." I said. I have never been able to talk about my mum so much in one day without getting the shit beaten out of me. He nodded and said the prayer.

          I took three slow bites of the food and couldn't do it anymore. I felt like I was going to cry. Niall dropped his fork and got both of my hands in his. "That's all you have to eat. You did so good, you're alright." He told me. In that moment there was no one else in the room except us. His blue eyes telling me everything I needed to know. He wiped the tears that fell and kissed my cheek. I looked back to his parents, that seemed to have just shown up into mine and Niall's world. His mum looked sad and excused herself for a minute and his dad looked pained at his own food. I felt horrible. I ruined everything. I always do.

          "I'm sorry. " I told Niall's dad. He got up and pulled me out if my chair into a hug. Maybe it's just because their Irish, but they really like to hug allot in this family.

          "This isn't your fault. Don't be sorry. We'll work on this everyday. Some days you don't even have to eat, but we'll all work to get you better." He told me. Then he let go and said he was going to get his shoes and keys to take me and Niall to go get paint.

          Niall and I cleaned the table then went to the living room. "My family really likes you." He told me. I shrugged. They kind of had to like me. If not, I would be getting the shit beat out if me right now and it would be on them.

          Niall's sweet lips brought me out of my thoughts. My eyes fluttered closed as our lips moved together. We pulled apart just before his dad walked in.

          "Let's go get some spray paint so this kid from the hood can ruin my walls." His dad joked, patting me gently on the back. I guess this is what a real dad is like. My dad was like this once. Fun and exciting to be with, then my mum and sisters died. People change and not always for the better.

          We were at the shop Niall, Bobby and I were all fighting over the colors of spray paint.

          "I want green because it's one of my favorite colors!" I shouted getting the can throwing it in the basket.

          "Well fine! Your walls will look like a booger!" Niall yelled. He was just mad because I said I didn't want to get the sparkly shit paint.

          "Both of you stop fighting like a married couple and get the cans of paint in every god damn color in the gay rainbow!" Bobby shouted at both of us. Me and Niall became quiet, looked at each other and broke out laughing. Bobby joined in and soon we were all crying from laughing at what just came out of the Irish man's mouth.

          We calmed down, going to the front to buy the items. I needed to use the restroom before we left so I walked over there but stopped dead in my tracks. I saw a man looking straight at me with brown eyes, tan skin and dark hair that resemble mine so much. My breath was caught in my throat. The man pulled his pocket knife out, flipped the blade open and motioned it across his neck.

          "Zayn! Are you going to the bathroom or not?!" I heard Niall's voice yell. My eyes stayed on the man as he smirk at me. Then he walked away. I turned to Niall and his dad trying to forget what my father had just told me. Should I tell Niall or should I keep this a secret?

A/N: tell me what Zayn should do! Comment your opinion and I'll take the story from there!

So I'm tired! Vote/comment! Love you guys!!!


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