Where You Left Your Heart

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Seven years later

The Salvatore School for the young and gifted

"Hey, do you have the money?" Henry Benoit turns to find Hope and Emma Marshall coming up behind him. Both girls sigh as they realize no one is around to watch or overhear what was about to happen. The young wolf nods and digs into his pocket fishing out a wad of cash. "We're not going to ask where you got this." Emma fishes two vials of blood from her backpack.

"Remember what we said, one now and one later. Are you sure about this, Henry?" The boy nods.

"Yes." Blushing as he looks Emma's way, the boy had developed a crush on her. Hope only rolls her eyes.

"Do us a favor and be discreet." The three walk off in separate directions, their transaction complete. 

Later that day as the two girls sit in their shared room working on respective assignments a knock on the door fills Emma's stomach with dread. Their plan had been risky, to begin with, but both girls needed the money badly. 

"Come in."

As the door opens to reveal the assistant headmaster Mr. Williams she knew she was right. 

"Hey, Mr. Williams. What's up?" Hope gets up from her desk while Emma remains seated on her bed. Mr. Williams glances at both girls before crossing his arms.

"Mr. Saltzman wants to see you both. It's about Henry Benoit." The girls exchange looks.

"Is, um, Mr. Saltzman going to call our moms?" Mr. Williams nods.

"That, and he believes that your father, Hope,  should know what you've been up to." Hope crosses her arms, she loved her father but she barely knew him.

"Yeah, good luck with that." Hope mumbles under her breath.

"Pack your things, girls. You and your brother and headed home. Both girls turn to each other, knowing immediately which brother he was referring to. 

What the hell had James done this time?!

Shooting baskets had always been a way for James Mikaelson to blow off steam besides throwing punches. But apparently, life was begging for him to start a fight today.

"Marshall! We've got to talk!" He lets out a deep sigh as he hears the voice of his sister's latest ex-boyfriend. This one was unfortunately and painfully persistent, Jed was just a wound that just kept bleeding. James turns on his heel to find Jed storming into the gym followed by the little posse he called a pack. Clearly, this loser hadn't had enough from the last time James had kicked his ass.

"What the hell do you want now Jed? I thought Mr. Saltzman told you to back off." Jed scoffs stopping only a few inches away from his face.

"Yea you see that's the problem. I'm trying to get back with your sister but since you stick by her side like a damn parasite that's impossible. So I'm going to kindly back off." James simply raised an eyebrow. The school's counselor had told him more than a few times that his mouth tended to provoke trouble.

"Really now? Remind me, wasn't it you who was caught by my sister french kissing Penelope Park?" James scratched his chin dramatically. Jed got the beating of a lifetime for that and several other occasions when he dared to approach Emma.

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